Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fall 2013 October 24

45 degrees this morning.  Cool, but not cold.
We watched many of the St. Louis Cardinals who started in the World Series as Memphis Redbirds THIS summer and over the past several seasons.  Going to the Redbirds games has actually turned us from Chicago Cub fans to St. Louis Cardinal fans as we watched the players develop.  Don't get me wrong-we are still strong Cubs fans, but we ALMOST are as fanatic Cardinal fans
So, last night, it was like watching your children (or person you have mentored etc.) get a big chance and blow it as they made stupid errors etc.  You love them anyway, but the pain is a bit deeper when we watched the players develop from hopefuls (although AAA is excellent anyway) into big league stars.  Of course, we have faith in them.  We saw them stumble and get back up as Memphis Redbirds and St. Louis Cardinals and we have faith!
It probably is worse in that baseball is our favorite sport.  We can take or leave pro football (but like college) and don't care for pro basketball at all (although we think the Grizzles are special), so it is a special treat to see one of our two favorite teams make it to the top.  Aliene is actually a better baseball fan then I am.  She recognizes the players and is good at knowing the basic strategic.
Thinking about disappointments this morning, I have to think about my disappointment at never being able to find a coffee cup I can using while driving.  Either it spills, or drips, or breaks or whatever.  The McDonalds coffee cup is actually the best, and I have a lot of candidates for the absolute worst travel mug or car coffee cup.  It seems it shouldn't be that hard to invent one that doesn't spill, drip or break etc!  I have tried all types (yes Starbucks is actually one of the worst) and I have tried several of their mugs, they don't work

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