Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall 2013 October 15

66 degrees, crisp
Blueberries, where are you!  After at least four years of year-round blueberries, I now am bereft of blueberries, can't find any at any price!  I guess I can look back when I was able to enjoy them year round.  I read up on it, and there are various reasons, including high demand, lack of bees, drought, etc.  I may have to grow my own!  
Dentist visit today, he will look at the area of the implant (now extraction, waiting for an implant) to make sure there is no infection.  I have about 4 more months before the "poles" are put in for the "implanted" teeth.  Fortunately, my dental insurance will cover it as a new project each year, so I can use the full amount.  The Cafeteria Plan helps also, at least makes it tax free.
I remember at one City October 15 was when the Police Department went to long sleeves (and April 15 to short) regardless of the weather.  I would have been somewhat chilly in short sleeves (at least at night and early morning) the past several weeks.

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