Tuesday, June 28, 2016

2016 Summer June 28 Tuesday

79 degrees this morning, walk 34:31 minutes

My iPhone weather app forecast “100%” chance of rain last night  No rain, in fact there are stars out  when it forecast the “100 % chance”.  I think I need  to get another weather app!

On the other hand, I am sure it was raining somewhere at that time, which means the “100%” change of rain was somewhat correct, just not for the area the forecast was for.  

It seems like the weather app has been doing a lot worse lately. It seems like it used to be correct, almost to the minute.  

It appears to show the correct location on the map, so I’m not sure what the problem it.  I like it because it doesn’t have a a lot of intrusive ads.  

Some of the ads on the internet sites remind me of the “get rich quick” ads the newspapers used to run, or late night tv.    Everyone knew they were probably scams but the newspaper still took the ads and apparently enough people responded to them to make it worth their while.

Sitting out on the patio feeling the day begin.  I know now when the neighbors sprinklers are going to come on (including the bad sprinkler that just gushes).

On my morning bike ride, I am beginning to notice when people leave for work work, there are several houses that I seem to meet each morning leavening for work.  

I bike shortly after sunrise, so I don’t ned to worry excessively about the hazards of riding in the dark etc.  

I have noted that each day (or maybe actually I notice each week), I can peddle just a little more and the hills aren’t quite as bad.  Notice I said “quite” as bad! 

Of course the wind plays a major role in the peddling effort, as it even does in walking.  A hill you don’t even notice while driving suddenly becomes steep while riding!

Looking forward to the three day weekend coming up although today is only Tuesday!  

Today is the primary election day.  There has been more publicity about it, but overall there is little information provided on polling places etc.much less the candidates.  

It will be interesting to see if there is some sort of backlash to the current state legislature members.

I can remember how I wanted to vote before I was voting age and the satisfaction of voting is still there, although they vote on so many people here it is hard to really know who you should vote fore.  

I think that is a local aspect of the national version of “big money” buying elections. 

I read where much of the “big money” is actually concentrated on local politics there they can have more of an effect because of the lack of news coverage etc.  

As I have noted, in my opinion, the government closest to the voters is the most important in the voters daily life.  Unfortunately it is also the level most susceptible to “big money” who get lucrative contracts etc. as part of their political support for  local elections.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, June 28, 2016.

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