Monday, June 13, 2016

2016 Spring June 13 Monday

2016 Spring June 13 Monday

77 degrees this morning.  

Our eleven day road trip is over, or almost over as we start our way back.  

It was a fun trip, especially the opportunity to visit old friends and also, to a degree, revisit old friends and experiences at the CMA Fest.  

In spite of the fact we basically enjoy our daily life and I really enjoy my job, it is fun just to get away for awhile  and not worry too much about anything until we get back!  

By the way, since we are leaving “as soon as we get up” tomorrow morning, I am writing this from the perspective of Sunday night.  It may be revised before I post it or not revised at all, but it won’t be posted until Monday morning.  In fact, depending on time, I may not post it until early morning Morning, or posted later than normal  Monday.

Whether we attend future CMA Festivals or not, I know we will probably not be staying at a downtown Nashville hotel, so that will be a major change.  It has simply become outrageously expensive to stay here (downtown) and we simply aren’t going to be gouged like that.  

We may find an AirBnb or a hotel further out and just take an Uber or Lyft car in, whatever  we can do, but it will definitely be a change.  

I am glad Summer heat is here.  I am very tired of cold weather.   I really don’t care how hot and dry it gets, as long as it doesn’t get cold.  

Later Sunday night:  The last concert of CNA Fest is over, the last song has been sung.  Heading back early Monday morning, about a 700 mile odyssey that we have no timetable for completing.  

When we get there we get there. 

Another dream:

6-12-16  Dream

Very strange dream during an afternoon nap.

Dreamed I was in a former City, although the actual site of the dream was completely different than the city.  

I was taking with someone about an economic development project when they said I had to go talk to one of the City Commissioners.

I went to a large house where the Commissioner came out of an anti dressed in an asbestos  suit and he came out of an attic while I was talking to someone else about the economy development project.  

I had been asked about the developer and I had answered truthfully. based on my knowledge.

The Commissioner said something about finding something that indicated  the developer  had financial problems and couldn’t finish the project.  

I advised again, I hadn’t heard that.  

I looked out the window and saw a bunch of military type persons running up a hill.  Somehow I knew they had already worked a lot and  should have  been  exhausted.

I turned to someone else and said “they really mean business this time”.  He agreed.  

I woke up

The earlier par too the dream included some very realistic conversation with someone (I don’t know who).

I have no idea where that dream came from or what it means.

That’s it for now Monday, June 13, 2016.

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