Saturday, December 26, 2015

Winter 2015 December 26 Saturday

62 degrees this morning, no walk, head cold and cough better, but still not good.  Actually felt fairly good when woke up, then started coughing.  This is basically one week today (maybe yesterday), so it should be over!

Overall nice Christmas Day, although there is that overtone of anticipation (?) about the weather coming in this weekend.  

The forecast now is for rain later today, ice rain tomorrow and snow Monday!  At least there is nothing we can really do about it except prepare to deal with it!

I talked with someone else with a cough, and they said the Doctor had told them it would last for 18 days  I hope mine isn’t that long, since it still wouldn’t be half-way over!  I will invest in some heavy duty cough medicine in that case.  

I have been reading some more about “oxygen”, specifically breathing through the nose instead of the mouth and breading correctly.  

As usual, authors seem to overhype their “new” way of doing things, but I am still leaning a lot of ways I may be able to breath better to prevent problems associated with breathing through your mouth and incorrect breathing .  

Unfortunately I am unable to practice any of it due to my head cold and especially the coughing, but  perhaps it will give me time to get the overall picture better so I will practice better and learn more when I am able to start practicing ‘nose breathing” and better breathing overall. 

I decided I am going to take several steps to prevent future coughs and colds.  

GERD is actually one cause of it, so I am going to control my GERD by better eating and taking “preventive Tagamet”  rather than just when I feel I need it.  

My Doctor doesn’t really like Tagamet, (thank goodness I can get it over the counter), but some of the newer drugs for GERD symptoms shave some side-effects on me that I don’t like, primarily reduced immune system, which is kind of weird if you think about it.  

I already avoid carbonated drinks and will try to space out my meals more and will probably reduce my beloved hot (as in spicyI) food, although I haven’t seen any direct correlation between it and coughing or GERD.  

Just got a “lightning” warning on my phone.  That is something they haven’t got down very well yet.  

After I said that, I realized the “Lightning warning” was for where we lived in Tennessee, not here, so maybe it is “operator error”.  

Another dream to not.  Really have no idea where this dream came from or what ti means, but it was very real and I was very glad (for some reason) that it was just a dream.

Dream 12-25-15

Dreamed We were attending some kind of childrens show (not sure what children were with us) and they would bring out a huge bar or bin of melted chocolate and everyone would grab it and eat it.  

Fro some reason we always set at the front of the room (to get better access to the chocolate of course, but not sure why)

At the last of the dream I was given a questionnaire to fill out (same place and prior to the chocolate coming out).   I couldn’t figure out how to fill it out or even start it.

One of the staff came over and couldn’t figure it out either and asked another staff member who said everything was new and she didn’t know how to do it either. 

That was it, but it was one of those dreams I woke up and was glad it was only a dream. have absolutely no idea as to meaning, but it was a dream I was glad was not real.

That’s it for not, Saturday, December 26, 2015.  

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