Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fall 2015 December 15 Tuesday

50 degrees his morning, walk 38:39 minutes

This journal is like a new day  in a lot of ways, i presents an empty page and I have a major role in what it says and whether it is a positive or helpful page or otherwise. 

Of course, the day has more more outside impacts on it then this journal does.  

I realized this morning that I can’t ride my bike in the morning, it is just too dangerous to try to ride the bike in the dark with all of the mud and junk left in the street by the builders.  It is dangerous enough to walk in the dark or ride my bicycle even in the daylight.  

Complaints to the city (not just by me) are basically ignored, just like the obscene light and noise  pollution from Sonic and  Tyler Communications are ignored as “commercial will be commercial and what they do it right” type of thinking by this city.  

Of course, the extremely deplorable and negligent planning by the city is the main problem.

After a lot of thought, I decided to get my coffee damaged Mac Air repaired by Apple Computer.  Since they stopped the wonderful “1 to 1” educational program, I really don’t have any incentive to buy a new computer until mine is either obsolete (which won’t take long!) or quits working.  Since it will virtually be a new computer, it should last until it is obsolete (assuming I keep liquids away from it!).

It is just one of those things that there probably is no right decision. 

The weather yesterday was wonderful, after a cold and rainy weekend.  At least we didn’t get snow or more ice.  News reports are it is going to take months to clean up the damage (primarily tree damage) after the Thanksgiving ice storm.

The relatively moderate weather has been nice.  I am sure there will be some bad weather, but this is the time of year I just take it one day at a time and enjoy each day (or deplore it) as it happens.  

Still working on the exercise machine routine.  I think I have enough actual experience now to understand what the books are talking about.  

I really enjoy my swim.  For some reason, the swimming pool has gotten extremely crowded, which makes it more difficult, but it still is enjoyable.

I was surprised that the pool got busier between Thanksgiving and New Years.  Probably I may as well not even try to swim after New Year Day, for about a month, when all of the new people trying to complete their “Resolutions” drop out.  

I long ago quit New Year Resolutions.  I may make some commitments to improve during the year at whatever times.  It does make a good starting point, and I always wish people who make Resolutions luck, but I make (and break) my Resolutions a lot more than once a year!

I have decided to get serious about tracking my eating, it may even help me eat less, just keeping track of it!  We use “My Fitness Pal” which is good, but has some major weaknesses as far as assisting you in keeping track of what you eat.  

On the other hand, it is free and, as far as I can determine, the best program out there right now.    And, I  really don’t have any ideas on how to make it better!  I may try to keep track in “notes” what I am eating and put it in “my Fitness Pal” later, since the major problem is the amount of time it take stop  input the food while I am eating.

Spent yesterday “in the field”.  I was a little concerned, I thought the crowds may be overwhelming, but the crowds were relatively light, to the dismay of the retail businesses.  Today will be an “office day”, doing paperwork generated by yesterday and other paperwork I need to complete.  There is alway something new, which what I love about my job!

That’s it for now, Tuesday, December 15, 2015.

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