Friday, December 04, 2015

Fall 2015 December 4 Friday

38 degrees this morning.  Walk 38:39 minutes.

Thinking some more on “Vision”.  Obviously “Vision” isn’t always, or even normally, physical things, and Vision doesn’t always cost.  

A lot of Vision is actually concentrated on doing things more effectively, and saving money by finding a better way of doing things.  

What I do find discouraging is “leaders” who fail to see the ability to improve life with the the organizations they may lead and only see it as a way to further their own ends.  

An example of what this city needs is someone with a “Vision” for neighborhoods.  The concept of “neighborhoods” here is to dump all the costs on the Homeowners Associations, including too small parks built on waste land by the developers.

Of course, the developer gets to keep the HOA fee until it is turned over to the residents, basically allowing the developer to build the “park facilities” basically at no cost except to the homeowners.  

This is the time of year when I am just glad for each day as it comes .  When the day has good weather, I applaud, when it is bad weather, I just figure I will get through it!  

At least it soon will be the “shortest day of the year”, and then at least I know that each day will be getting longer, even if just a little bit! 

I really don’t like cold weather and I hope we can get away to a warm area for at least several days this winter.  I need a break from this weather, even though it is relatively mild!   

The times I have gone to a warmer climate in the middle of winter, it is refreshing to say the least.  

Listening to “Scotland” by Emmylou Harris, tune 230 of 6544 on my original iPod.  I hadn’t heard the song before, but it is a great fiddle song. I am surprised I hadn’t heard it before, but I am glad I know about it now!

Listening to “Wilson” on my morning walk.  He is now almost completing his time as President of Princeton.  

One concept in the book caught my attention, is the statement that students should go to college to be “different than their parents”.  Taken in its right context, I can understand what they mean.  I will have to think that thought through.  

Obviously college (or the teenage and young adult years) is a period of developing your own life, so I think it is important that ideas are discussed and questions  be raised about the status quo. 

As is frequently discussed in conferences etc., change is going to happen whether you want it or not, so it is best to learn to adjust to it.  

Another concept is “knowing in your work is done”.  As an example, Wilson sees that his work at Princeton may be completed and it is time to move on to other endeavors.  

It may be like the stock market, one of the keys is knowing when to sell!  In life, knowing when to move on is just as important. 

That’s it for now, Friday, December 4, 2015.

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