Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Fall 2015 December 9, 2015

40 degrees this morning, walk 38:31 minutes

If my Mother was alive today, this would be her 103rd birthday.  Considering the changes Daddy and her observed in their lifetimes, considered one of the greatest advances in technology ever, they would have been amazed at the changes in just the pst 10 years!

I have noticed that it can almost feel colder at 40 degrees as it does at 27 degrees.  It may be a matter of expectations, or perhaps I unconsciously dress lighter, although from 25 degrees to the area of 60 degrees I basically dress the same for walking.  

A lot of life is managing expectations, I have found.  If I expect something to work out well, it probably well.  The reverse isn’t absolutely true for some reason (many times my expectations are more negative than the situation actually is, for some reason).

On the other hand if for some reason I develop unrealistic expectations, than I will frequently be disappointed even at moderate positive results.  Unfortunately, I frequently don’t realize my expectations are unrealistic until afterwards!

I think the major reason for unrealistic expectations is assuming that something that is important to you is equally important to everyone.  

Of course, in that case, it may be a matter of working to make the item/situation/concept assume importance in other people’s minds, which of course is one of the major factors of motivation or leadership or whatever you may want to call it.

I used to know someone who said they were a “pessimistic optimist”, that they assumed things were going to go wrong, so they were surprised when things went right, and weren’t surprised when things went wrong.

I couldn’t live that way, although  it seemed to work for them.

Probably I assume the positive about people more than I should, but it is a decision everyone has to make for themselves.  

Exercise machines are coming along ok, although I am still in the preliminary investigation stage.  I am ready to start on a formal program, probably next week.  I don’t know if the machines will actually help or not, but they are introducing me to some muscles I didn’t know existed!  

I have decided to go ahead and start riding my bicycle in the early morning after my walk again.  It is just too difficult to schedule in riding the bike in the late afternoon, plus traffic is heavier than, although traffic hasn’t been that much of a problem.  

I just feel like I am more likely to bicycle every day if I do it early morning.  

I really hesitated to make the change, because from the time I get up to when I start work is already “hypertime”, every minute is accounted for, and I just am not going to get up any earlier, even though I find myself waking up earlier.  

However, I decided I can do it by taking a shorter nap, and making some cuts elsewhere.  

One thing I am not cutting this journal|!  

Actually, I have found that I am a little better on shorter naps.  Beyond a certain time , I tend to wake up groggy, whereas a short nap can be very refreshing.  As far as I am concerned there is not such thing as  a “nap too short”.  

I have taken naps as short as just several seconds and a 6 minute nap can be very refreshing. I have found 12 to 28 minute naps are the best.   

That’s it for now, Wednesday, December 12, 2015.

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