Thursday, October 08, 2015

Fall 2015 October 8 Thursday

61 degrees this morning 38:37 minute walk

I don’t really feel “ready” for cold weather and winter, but then I never do.  The Summer is all too short.  

This winter, I really am going to get someplace warm (if not hot) to get away from the cold for at least a short time!  

At least the Winter here isn’t really that bad, basically cold weather is in short spells and the really bad weather is from around mid December to late February.  

At least I don’t have to worry about keeping snow, ice off the streets etc.  (other than just as a resident).  Since my office is in my home, I don’t worry about bad streets going to the office and even my field work can be adjusted to another day when there isn’t really bad weather, since the streets are normally clear after a day or so.

Maybe that (change in jobs) is one reason I get so angry about the gross violations of City Ordinances and the extreme lack of planning by this city.  I really can’t do anything about it and the negative effect on the quality of life here.

Aliene and I tried to put a “grill” together last night (one of those “easy to assemble” grills).  It is not easy and I’m not sure if it is even possible!  Of course, there was a note in the box that you could call this company about assembly.  

Of course, it was hidden away where we didn’t see it until we had already had it partly assembled.  

I really think there ought to be a rating system from “A” to “E” or something like that, with A being “anyone can do it” to E (“do not attempt this unless you are an expert”).  

Of course, as someone who almost flunked shop in high school and never technically much good, I learned early in life that I simply didn’t have the ability to do much more than hammer a nail (and I’m not much good at that”.).  

I did learn early that the only way I would even come close to assembling something, no matter how simple, is to closely follow the instructions and have a toll-free number or assistance close!  

However, for the most part I just stay away from “easy to assemble” items and I am a sucker for the “we will put it together” offers, not matter what the cost.  

One area that bothers me is bicycle riding.  As someone who can’t even change a bicycle tire, I am at the mercy of flat tires, bad chains, separated brake cables etc.  

I heard in Oregon and some areas like that, AAA responds to bike emergencies and that would be good.  Not worth moving to Oregon for (I didn’t really care much for Portland etc. , or at least want to live there, nothing wrong it it, it just isn’t for me).  Maybe someday it will come here!

In the meanwhile, I depend on having a phone with me to call if I have any bike trouble  too far away.

I haven’t given up with the “Ride with the Summer” ride, in fact I have started training for it.  Probably won’t be next summer, maybe the Summer of ’17.  

Exercise became a part of my routine easily.  I already notice it when I miss swimming on a day.  (It really isn’t easy to schedule on weekends, so I  miss two days a week no matter what).  

Baseball playoffs have started.  It will be difficult for us since we are both strong St. Louis Cardinal and Chicago Cub fans.  We will just hope each does it’s best.  We watched so many of the Cardinals get their start in Memphis it is hard not to root for them, but…. we have been Cub fans for years and it would be nice to see them win the World Series.  Dream on, probably!

That’s it for now, Thursday, October 8, 2015.  

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