Saturday, October 31, 2015

Fall 2015 October 31 Saturday

53 degrees this morning, no walk (rain)

Rain all day Friday, heavy at times.  Just enough to make it cold and miserable.  

I even turned the HVAC to “heat”, the first time this year and pulled out some heavier clothing.  However, when I went outside it wasn’t that cold. 

October 31, I will always remember as the day we moved from Harrah to Lakeland.  I actually started in Lakeland on November 1, 2001, which makes it easy to remember (11-1-1 or 11-01-01).  

Google Internet could be coming here!  Google said they are “studying it” which could of course mean they could decide not to build it.  Even if they did, it probably would be years before it is built.  

I think the main thing with Google building an internet system in a city is that suddenly the other internet/cable tv providers suddenly decide they can also provide faster internet at a reasonable price also.  

Looking back, I am amazed at how fast the year has gone.  Only two months left in the year 2015!  Even with buying the house and the trauma of moving etc., it seems like the year has disappeared.

Over 2/3  and almost 3/4 of the “Work Holidays” are in November, January and February, (8I out of 11) and over half (6 of 11 if you count New Year Day as December) are in November and December.  

It seems like some of the Holidays should be in the Summer!  Perhaps they are in the winter to brighten up the Winter!  

Of course, if I consider that in the past (and currently in some occupations) summer is the productive time and winter is the time when activity is slow due to the weather, it kind of  makes sense. 

Anyway, I always look forward to the holidays both for the time off as well as the holidays.

Got an e-mail yesterday about a “strange” (or maybe “suspect”) charge on a credit card. I quickly checked and found we both had the credit card, but also we didn’t make the charge.  

Actually it was a “probing” charge of $1.00, like they do  a  “pending” charge of $1.00 when they want to check to see if your credit card was valid.  Within 5 minutes, it was’t valid anymore!  

I have to admire the credit card company for it’s quick action to prevent fraud.  However, it also feels rather creepy that some thief is trying to use our credit card and how easy it apparently is!  

On the other hand, at least it got stopped

One good thing about the internet, I am able to check my credit card activity daily.  I normally check fairly often and I have caught mistakes before that were quickly corrected. 

I thought the new “chip” technology would make credit card fraud a lot more difficult and it may yet.  

I think it is amazing that they are developing credit cards etc. that you verify with your face or eyes!  It may make it a lot more difficult for credit card fraud if it works.

That’s it for now, Saturday, October 31, 2015 

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