Thursday, October 01, 2015

Fall 2015 October 1 Thursday

63 degrees this morning, 38:14 minute walk

Still relatively comfortable out here on the “open” patio, although I may change my mind as time goes on!

Keep thinking today is Saturday, since I have today and tomorrow off.  I am having a little problem adjusting to having a day/days “off” while regular work is going on (not a Holiday etc), but I am sure i will enjoy it.  

Just amazed at how crude this city is in it’s planning. I just noticed the City allowed a huge “LED” (or at least animated) bill board right in the back yard of a brand new house!   Basically the billboard will ruin the value of about ten brand new houses.


I wish now we had never purchased a house in this city just to protest the bad-not just bad-almost criminal-planning practices.  

That’s not even counting the Sonic across the street with it’s 24 hour music and it’s own bright sign that is lit and animated 24 hours a day!  

The planning of this city is a joke and now I understand why everyone laughs when they mention “planning” here!  There isn’t any, or it is all oriented so that whatever the commercial wants, the commercial get and the heck with the residents.  

I am enjoying my swimming, I am slowly developing a routine when I can do it most week days.  It is very enjoyable and a good counterpoint to walking and bike riding.

For the first time in my  life, I plan on learning how to use some of the “machines” that develop (or maintain) various areas in your body.  The YMCA offers up to three training sessions on them  

As I mentioned before, I don’t plan on going all out or trying to go “to the next level”  (whatever that is) but just use them to maintain or maybe make sure I maintain every part of my body as well as I can!

Hopefully, I will take some swimming lessons, I really haven’t decided yet.  I probably really don’t “swim” as such, I just kind of paddle around, but i enjoy it.  

There may be some storms coming in this morning.  If there is lightning in the area, they YMCA shuts down the swimming pool, logically enough.  I understand it but it still doesn’t make up for losing my swimming time!

Another dream, I may need to have a separate area for my dreams if I start to remember more of them all the time:

9-30-15 Wed. Dream

Dreamed I was in a historic district of this city.  A lot of construction going on.  Aliene was in a meeting.

Dreamed I was with several other City Managers I knew in the past (although in the dream I didn’t recognize them).

A lot of construction going on.  

I saw this City’s City Manager (I don’t know him) on tv. He had addressed the Commission on tv and was wearing a funny costume, kind of like a vegetable and his wife and daughter were also there an and dressed up in costumes.  

He advised the City Commission he was going to address them “informally"

 Later he came to where I was at (I didn’t talk with him or was he aware of me).  He said a few things and left.

I got caught on some construction, on an item above a big trenched in area and couldn’t figure out how to get down.  Finally I decided I had gotten there, so I could get off and I got back onto regular ground. ).

As the dream ended I was sitting around talking to the two City Managers I originally talked  to. One of them introduced his wife.  

I decided it was time to go pick up Aliene and then woke up.  Didn’t recognize any of the characters in this dream other than the ones I mentioned.

That’s it for now, Thursday, October 1, 2015

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