Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fall 2015 October 20 Tuesday

65 degrees this morning.  Walk 38:47 minutes 

Currently on song 376 of 6,544 on my iPod.  This includes “sounds” and songs I didn’t like that I may have skipped through.

The process of listening to the entire library has been interesting.  I’ll hear a song that I don’t know that sounds familiar and, of course, it is by a singer who has another song that I especially like.  I like that when I hear something new that I like.  

Also, I have heard variations of songs (for example, right now Bob Dylan is singing the “Times are a Changing”  on a “live” recording (that seems something of a contradiction) in Russia.  

What I really enjoy is when a song that I particularly like that I haven’t heard for awhile pops up.  

It is amazing how much impact and memories a favorite song can bring back, especially one you hadn’t thought of for awhile.  

I have thought of getting “streaming” music channels etc., but I’m not sure if I would like it or have time to listen.  

Also, I don’t really care for the idea that an “algorithm” is deciding what I listen to, any more than I am impressed by the “suggestions”  on what to buy that are pushed on me by algorithms.

I really don’t have anything against algorithms, I just think people (especially marketers etc.) think for some reason if they hassle you enough you will buy something. Algorithms are more annoying than helpful when used in that matter.  Junk is still junk, even if an algorithm pushes it!

Also, I doubt that an algorithm will provide the variety of music I enjoy.  In the last ten minutes, I have heard classical, folk, rock and country.  As the morning goes on, I will probably hear the blues, jazz and gospel. 

Actually, now that I think about it, I think the “shuffling” of the music is set by algorithm’s .  I know it is on the iPod Shuffles, not sure about the regular iPods or the iPhone, but it makes sense.  Of course, this is still an algorithm that only decides the “order” not “what” I hear.  

Big difference! 

I think the only thing that streaming music could  do is provide more recent music, but I don’t really care.  It would be nice, but I don’t have time for it. 

Last night, i felt, for the first time for awhile, the desire to sit and read a novel instead of doing something else.  No matter what you think of the genre of writing Lee Childs does in the Reacher novels, it makes for an interesting read.  

While he has some patters (the basic structure is normally the same), he has a creative way of making each book enough different it doesn’t get boring.  

I also think this may be the first time I have listened to a novel and read it at the same time.  I do it fairly often for non-fiction because, as I have mentioned, it seems I retain material in a different way when I hear it and when I read it.

Meeting today on the benefits package for next year.  We get to select insurance etc.  Last year was difficult, this year not so much, since I have experience.  Actually, we are keeping the same health insurance, dental insurance etc.  

We decided that vision insurance is basically worthless, and, at least the one we had, was basically a sales tool for eyeglass businesses.  I have never found a vision insurance that is worth the premium, so we are dropping it.  Also, since we see an Ophthalmologist  (covered by out medical insurance and not vision insurance) versus an Optometrist who is more likely to be covered by vision insurance, but not health insurance. 

I really like the way I can “structure” my own benefits package.  However, there is always that feeling of dread if you make a wrong decision (especially for health insurance).  However, with a year of experience, it is a lot easier, especially since we are basically pleased with our insurance.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, October 20, 2015.

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