Monday, November 10, 2014

Fall 2014 November 10 Monday (Holidays and Vipers)

Fall 2014 November 10  Monday

59 degrees this morning  55:35 (est) minutes walked.  Three Earthquakes (one 4.0)

Veterans Day Holiday tomorrow (Tuesday).  Actually, the last Holiday I actually had was Veterans Day of 2013.  

I always liked Holidays.  I felt that if I got a call on a holiday, it was really an emergency, if I was on vacation, I may get calls about anything (which was ok), but it made holidays truly a “holiday”.

Saw a Dodge Viper Sunday, I think the first one I have ever seen “in the wild”, so to speak (not at a car show, but actually being driven).  

I wouldn’t trade either of our cars for one to drive in daily driving, but it sure would be nice to have one as a plaything, although I’d prefer a  Corvette myself.  Not going to happen, but fun to think about!

Went through some items to throw out today, saw items going back 25 years and some items even back to when I was in the seventh grade.  I was able to throw out some items and at least consolidate others.  

I’m hoping I can scan a lot of it and not have to cart it around.  Also hope to convert some cassette tapes to digital so I can toss them (if there are still any good, I probably haven’t played them for at least 20 years.). 

Apparently really cold weather is coming.  I saw forecasts for temperatures as low as 25 degrees. Something I am not looking forward to, but it is something I have to adjust to.  The wind is likely to make it a lot worse.

An “office day” tomorrow.  I  have a lot to do, including catching up on some reports on field activities from Friday.  It will be a busy day, since I also have to prepare for Wednesday (since Tuesday is a holiday).  At least my commute is short!  

Reading a review of a book (Nicholas Carr, “The Glass Cage” about how if we (humans) come to depend on technology, we will become slaves to technology (it may be too late!I).  I doubt if I will  read it since I just won’t have time, but I would like to see his reasoning.

First speech to Toastmasters tomorrow night.  I haven’t spent a lot of time on preparation, but, in addition to not wanting to spend a lot of time on it, I want to develop more speaking ability in “off the cuff” speaking, so I am going to try to mentally develop a structure and then present it without actually practicing much.  

Also, quite frankly, I don’t want to spend a lot of time on practicing the speech.  At this point in my life, I think I would be better served to take the chance to practice my “off the cuff” speaking in front of a friendly, helpful crowd.

“Lonesome Dove” remains interesting, in fact I have gotten so involved I am relating to some of the characters (feeling depressed if they die, or trying to warn them of  possible negative results to decisions.  Some mornings I don’t want to stop listening.  

That’s it for now, Monday, November 10, 2014

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