Sunday, August 12, 2007

August 12, 2007 Summer 2007

103 degrees today, supposed to top 106 degrees Wednesday and Thursday. I went on my bike ride today, tried a new route, going down the bike lane on Highway 64. It has a bike lane, but it is still intimidating to have cars going by at 55+ mph. Actually it went pretty good. My clothes were literally soaked when I got back. My head bad was really soaked. I’m going to have to bring an extra!

Biking down the highway gave me the best average speed I’ve had for awhile although I was holding back a little, since I didn’t have anyone to call if I get in touble..

I’ll be glad when the election is over. I’m already tired to seeing campaign signs. Of course when the Lakeland election is over, it’ll be time for the other elections in the area (Memphis etc.). Oh, well, just part of the process I guess.

I think August has always been one of the hottest Summer months, even though Summer actually starts in June.

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