Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tree Frog

This morning, I suddenly heard this racket, right outside the back door. I opened the door and found a light green tree frog, right on the door step. I think it fully expected that it ws announcing itself to be let into the house! (fat chance of that!).

I temporarily lost my compassion for animals and knocked it onto the patio. (I had some qualms as to whether the tree frog was actually trying to tell me something,thinking of persons being turned into frogs, but these are only thoughts that I have in the early morning.)

Later, I heard this racket and found the tree frog had climbed up on the ceiling (of the enclosed patio) and I quickly got a broom and, with some compassion, guided it out into the back yard and it was quickly jumping away towards the trees where it belongs when I last saw it.

I like the sounds of tree frongs in teh distance, but not in or near the house!

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