Thursday, July 02, 2015

Summer 2015 July 2 Thursday

80 degrees this morning.  Walk 41:58 minutes

In spite of the temperature, there is a distinct coolness in the air this morning, if 80 degrees can be considered cool.  

Of course, whatever “coolness” is in the air disappears fast when the morning sun arrives.

There is a slight wind, which seems to be cool, but I expect will become a hot wind later today.

Sitting on the patio writing this.  Since today is an “even” date, i don’t have to worry about the sprinkler system.  As we expected, the sprinkler system is wildly off and has at least one sprinkler head that “gurgles” and just runs water.  

We feel the house is well built, but the landscaping and concrete work was horrible.  Just obviously thrown together.  I guess that is what warranties are for.

Looking forward to a three day weekend.  I really like my job, but it will be great to get away for three days.  (Actually, due to the Courter Reunion, I will have a 4  day week next week also.)

I really like the area i am “covering” for right now, and hope I may be able to get the area  permanently.  I see a wide variety of businesses (from urban farmers to artists to used tire dealers and it goes on from there) and people. 

Several times, I have noted people standing in front of what looks like an old dilapidated house, anywhere from about 8 people at 11 a.m. yesterday to about 20 people at other times.  It looked like people were just standing around. 

It isn’t in a “bad” part of town, but is in a “loose” part so to speak.

Angela actually told me it was a “hamburger joint” and rated the 3nd best “hamburger joint” in the nation by one survey!   i will have to try it sometime, if nothing else just for the experience!  I will even eat it with the bun!  (Normally, I try to avoid bread, unless it is the weekend and peanut butter is also available!)

Actually weighed myself the other morning after several months of not weighing myself (the scales wasn’t available for part of that time).  

Actually, my weight wasn’t as bad as I feared or as good as I hoped, but I do need to restrict my “carbs” more. It is easy to let loose “just one time” and “one time” becomes “‘more times”, although there are other factors, such as “free” junk food at  the baseball games!  Of course, actually the food is included in the price of the ticket.  

A fine layer of dust over everything is a problem out on the patio, probably from the construction.  It isn’t really bad, but is noticeable.  

Went out in the field yesterday.  Trying to tie up the loose ends of this month and get ready for the “tasks” which normally come right after the first of the month.  

The “tasks” are always a wide variety of items, some which are enjoyable to do, some you do because it is part of the job and I have learned to take the good with the bad.

July of 2015 sounds so weird, since I still haven’t (I can’t think of the right word, “mentally”, “psychological ” , “emotionally”,  all don’t quite fit) caught up with it being the middle of 2015! 

I still see the book “1984” and wonder what the year will be like!  Of course, oddly enough, the events in the book “1984” are now easily possible.  Scary thought.

That’s it for now, Thursday, July 2, 2015.

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