Saturday, July 18, 2015

Summer 2015 July 18 Saturday

81 degrees this morning, Walk 42:38 minutes

There is almost a coolness to the air this morning, if you can believe 81 degrees can be cool.  Maybe the relationship to the highs in the high 90’s make it seem cool.

It certainly is not an unpleasant coolness, just a very subtle touch of coolness in the wind.  Such are the pleasures of the early morning hour!

Our sprinkler system seems to have a mind of it’s own and went off this morning.  Sometimes it is afternoon, sometimes not at all.  The sprinkler company will hopefully be out Monday to adjust everything.  

My dilemma is I really think using water simply for grass is wasteful, but if you don’t water it the results aren’t exactly desirable either.   

One thing I do miss about Memphis is the flowering plants, the Crepe Myrtles etc.  They would usually start blooming(? I guess that is the correct word) about now and last for the summer.  

I need to pick my preference of the areas I would have at work (areas are Zip codes).  As usually in such situations, there are good and bad things about each area. 

In regard to my comments yesterday morning about “panhandlers” (or whatever) standing on the medians, I think it is actually illegal in most cities due to the hazards involved.  

Yesterday afternoon (on Friday afternoons, traffic gets crazy about 2:00 pm. for some reason), and people were literally standing on each median and each corner soliciting money for something (they never are really clear, so I have  an idea the “cause” is their won well-being.

Anyway, people would stop to give them something, backing up traffic even more in the process.  If nothing else their running out to cars etc. creating hazards for both them and the car drivers.

We actually had a lease on our former rental house until July 31, which meant not only the rent, but also maintaining the yard and utilities etc.  

We learned last night, it may be leased as of July 21, which would really be a relief for us, both financially and otherwise.  10 days isn’t much, but it is better than nothing.

I have developed a fairly decent walk route in the morning  It includes more inclines than I am used to doing, which probably is the reason fro the wide variety of times.  

Still pondering about the YMCA or the 24 hour gym.  I think the access to swimming (and other activities, especially classes for Aliene) generally favors the YMCA..

I am not a “group  exercise” person, to say the least.  Maybe  a heritage of the high school sports, Air Force and College classes.  However, I do like dance classes, which are somewhat the same, depending on how you look at it.

This weekend will probably  include continuation of moving in, and perhaps more so, setting up.  I expect I will continue weeding, although all of the low-hanging fruit, so to speak, has been completed.  

Wind is blowing this morning.  I was  trying to figure out if there was an advantage to a north/south orientation, but probably every situation has it disadvantages.  

That’s it for now, Saturday, July 18, 2015.

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