Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Summer 2015 July 7 Tuesday

72 degrees this morning.  Rain last night, so not walk this morning, too much mud in the streets.

Relatively nice this morning, as I sit on the patio writing this.  Rain has stopped.

Looking forward to the Courter Reunion.  I enjoy seeing everyone again and it is a chance to just relax and talk to people.  Since it is a weekend event (not just for an afternoon), you feel like you have a chance to talk with everyone and not feel hurried. 

It is going to be in a new location this year, and it should be interesting to be in a new area.  I just remembered I had a dream about a number of my relatives last night who normally attended the Reunion and can’t attend this year.  

Of course, the sad part is the family members who can’t attend, the good part is seeing and hearing about the year from people I have literally known all my life (or for the younger ones, I have known them all their lives!)  

Looking back on my life, I have moved fairly frequently, including changing schools (but not moving) in the 5th grade.  (I actually attended a one-room school my first floor grades)  I can still remember the name of my teacher. 

We actually moved to another city in the 7th Grade for one year and then moved to another city where I went to 8th, 9th and 10th grade, and then another city where I went to 11th and 12th Grade.

Of course, I never will know the impact of moving on my life, whether it was positive or not.  

I do know, especially in the case of Lakeland, we would have missed knowing some wonderful people if we hadn’t lived there, and I know we would have missed knowing them1

All of this to say it is nice to have known some people all my life, many of whom I will see on a yearly basis, or at least every several years.

Busy “field day” yesterday.  It is strange how they are all so different, but somewhat the same.  

It is somewhat of a community of people who come and go, maybe somewhat like a spaceless city, a city where I am the main connection between the people, but they only know me and only in that one narrow way, kind of like a train that comes through a city.  I wonder if the postal carrier’s, FedEx people etc. feel that way?   

Anyway, I wanted to note a dream from yesterday.

Dream 7 6 15

Dreamed I was living (or staying) in a rooming house, apparently run by my Mother.  

There were a lot of actions about trying to find the right clothes to wear and interactions with residents.  This included ironing clothes, trying on clothes etc

A lot of different residents, but I don’t recall who they were or what role they played. 

Somehow Angela was also involved in keeping things gone.

The action appeared to be on keeping my clothes clean, i kept getting them wet or dirty.

At one point, I noticed a pair of slacks  was worn out, but somehow got fixed.

In an entirely fantasy part of the dream, I was leaving (for work?) in a car on the second floor of the rooming house and I  was trying to get around a truck so I could drive down the stairs.  Strange thought!

At the last part of the dream, I had a pot of coffee I didn’t like and I threw it out (downstairs) into an overflowing sink (that I thought someone else had left) and of course when I threw it in the sink, it caused more water to spill, mostly on my clothes.    
While it seemed a second story, it was almost like an attic.  Reminded me off our  house Miltonvale Kansas a long, long time ago.  (I was in the 7th g r a de)

A dream so vivid, after I was awake and I had to keep reminding myself it was only a dream.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, July 7, 2015.

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