Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Summer 2015 July 22 Wednesday

75 degrees this morning  Walk (est due to not stopping stop watch) at 42:00 min.

Wednesday, July 22 already!  Time really does fly.  It seems like Monday is here, and then suddenly  Friday, I get up and suddenly it is time to go to work etc.

Sometimes I want to say, “hey, let me enjoy the time” and then I realize that enjoying the  time as it goes is the only way to appreciate it, so you won’t regret not enjoying time.  As I  read when I was a child, something to the effect of time is 60 golden minutes set with 60 diamond seconds.  

Actually, I looked it up and what I read was:  Lost — Yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone 

Speaking of Google, I am astounded that someone (or it almost has to be “group  think”) thinks I really want Google to do automatic collages and “trip journals” for me?  What they come up with is hideous and laughable  

I wish instead of “telling” us, Google (and Apple etc.) would facilitate us doing it ourselves.  There actually are some good programs, and I have done collages just for the fun of it.  At least I wish Google would ask me before they produce it so I wouldn’t have to delete it. 

It is kind of like the e-mails from Amazon insisting they know what I want to  read, but or listen too.  They don’t.  

Felt good to walk again this morning, and mostly be able to dodge the mud from the irresponsible builders who won’t maintain their erosion control.  There was a thunderstorm going through south of here, but it was nice here.

Sitting outside, I knew something was different  No wind.  I actually like the light breeze although I don’t like wind as such.

Stayed in the office yesterday and caught up on paperwork, phone calls etc., and prepared for, probably two days (today and tomorrow) in the field.  

I was thinking, it actually takes about anywhere from ten minutes to an hour of research and recording (before and after) each case, for what is usually several minutes of actual physically visiting.  Of course that varies, there have been cases where I spent an hour or more with one business. 

Another dream I had, actually Monday morning, a very intense dream:

7 20 15 dream

Highly intense dream this morning based on the farm i grew up on (even though event nothing to do with it), with several other cities also involved..

Alene and I were there.  

I was doing something at work and forgot my computer so had to go home and get it   (A bunch of weird events I can’t remember)

I drove home and picked up my computer and then droverby the farm where I was a child.  Obviously things had changed, but what was surprising was we drove up  where the house had been I grew up in,  there was a wall of water come over the drive way, much more than just rain water.

We looked a each other and thought “what a water leak!, they’d never fix it”, but also wondered where such a wall of water had come from.

We next drove down by the pond that had been by our house.  There were people playing in the pond  (several children) and Aliene asked  what that was and i told her I had played in in when I was  child (I never swam in it though, it was really just a large muddle that retained water.)

We went to City Hall and went back to sit in the swing, but the swing was down.

We walked over to swing (in a two person swing) and a couple followed us and good naturedly   picked up the swing and started to put it together while Aliene and I looked at the pole and tried to figure where the swing was.

Lots of scenes from when i was a child, intermixed with scenes from past jobs.

Really strange, very intense dream.  The wall of water was really amazing 

Don’t know what were we were driving or who we got around, it was almost like we walked, but very fast.  

One scene I remember from the first of the dream (prior to going back to pick up my computer) was with a child hood friend of mine.  We were trying to cut up a huge pencil.  

also a scene from the one room school where I went to grades 1-4 and many scenes from the farm and Holton Kansas, but I don’t remember the specifics.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, July 22, 2015.

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