Sunday, July 19, 2015

Summer 2015 July 19 Sunday (Mud Daubers, elevation & cable tv)

82 degrees this morning, Walk 41:08 minutes 

Sitting out on the back patio writing this on Sunday morning.  The ever-present wind is blowing, again providing almost a cool feeling even in 82 degree weather.  

I am always amazed at the difference altitude makes in weather.  82 degrees here is much different than 82 degrees in Memphis (which is almost sea level, something like 200 feet above sea level), Liberal, Kansas (about 3,000 feet), this city (about 1300 feet) and, of course Denver or other high city. There is a huge difference in the way the same temperature feels, the amount of snow etc.

I can remember working summers in Denver during college and coming back to Hays, Kansas.  I really noticed the difference.  Denver may be hot in the sun but was almost always coolish in the shade.

I am enjoying the hot, dry weather and hope it continues.

We somehow have a ‘mud dauber”  nest right above our back door.  Although i generally believe in ‘live and let live” , like the bird that pooped on our front porch, this is a little too much even for me, although the consequences for the wasp/hornet will be much more drastic (probably death) then the birds, which was dislocation.  (I always thought it was spelled “mud dobbers” but found out different, thanks to spell check and Google)

From the condition of our cars any time we parked it outside even for a few minutes, I think the birds got their revenge.  

I am going to spray the nest right after this, and I am not sure that I will come out after my nap light I normally do!  I expect there will be some very mad wasps out here.  

Sometimes I wonder how the cable company people can sleep at night.  I really expect many more people will “cut the cord” because they are tired of being lied to, cheated and the gross incompetence and greed of the cable companies.  

In my opinion both Cox cable and Comcast profile the worst aspects of a mini-monopoly gone mad with greed and averse, political payoffs  and just flat incompetence.  

For over a year, we have been unable to get the service promised by Cox cable.  They promised a service and are unable to provide it.  The representatives  come out, say it is a “software problem” and then disappear. 

Meanwhile, we are charged for HBO and Cimemax, which we never watch and $30 per month for “unlimited calls to Mexico” which we never call and are told if we cancel these our bill will increase!  What a joke.  

Meanwhile, when we moved, they had “contractors” who only could think of going on to the next job and doing as little as possible.  Three people have worked on it now and it still doesn’t work.  (This doesn’t include the 10 service calls at the other house that never fixed it either.)

To top things off, Cox attempted to double bill me during the move and denies it and apparently raised our rate about 25% without notice.  

Then, when I complained about the service again, I was directed some some mean-spirited representative who told me to “unplug the box” again.  I advised her we had done it this many times and it never works.  She insisted I do it, or “she was going to hang up”  and when I did, the phone went out!  So much for that, I”ll call back later. 

Obviously I am ‘unplugging” Cox cable as soon as the contact expires.  To top it off, somehow the Cox “land line” which was advertised at $19 per month, is now $70 per month through almost devious means like “$30 for unlimited calls to Mexico”.  

Anyway, if if i worried about stuff that that, I’d never get anything done, so I keep it in a compartment of my mine where I don’t worry about it, but don’t forget it either!

That’s it for now, Sunday, July 19, 2015.

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