Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring 2014 April 10 Thursday

54 degrees this morning.  Looks like it is going to be a great day.
My posts may be a little different for the next week.  My beloved MacBook Air (which is absolutely the best computer I have ever used) is in the Apple hospital getting it's screen replaced, or at least a good checkup.  Not quite sure what was happening, but ever since I owned it, it "cuts out"  very rarely (probably once every two weeks at the most).  I would plug it in and it would start up again with no problems.  Sometimes I'll just hit a key.  I actually thought I was hitting the "off" key in error and it happened so infrquently that I didn't really think about it.
Then I discovered I could restart it by "shaking" the computer.  It hasn't happened for almost a month now, but I decided I needed to get i fixed, especially while i is under warrantly.  Unfortuately it has to go off and not come back for 3-7 days!!!! I kept putting it off, but I will need it for some trips and of course for China.
Of course I do have other computers, ipads etc.  This is actually being written on a 9 year old GMac i5 desktop, with an 18 year old tv beside it!  How time does pass!  
I actually got the tv right before I met Aliene (or at least right before we started dating), so I can pinpoint almost the exact date.  I didn't have cable tv, since I rarely watched tv,  and I decided I was going to stay home more and to out less, so I got cable and a new tv (also, Angela was grouching about it).  Of course, i watched it very little.  Anyway, 18 years later it is obsolete, but still works fine with the box.
I read this morning where T-Mobile was bragging about "no hidden fees" etc.  Try to get the "free" 200 mg for the new T-Mobile ipad.  They will stick you with a $10 per month charge and other "hidden" fees and even the T Mobile reps will insist you need to ake the $10 per month "fee schedule".  Even after they agree I do qualify for the "free" 200 mg per month, the $10 per month still appears (along with other charges for who knows what (such as usage charges when I only use wifi etc.  I literally have to call every bill and the original represetative can't discuss it, so I am sent to someone else etc.  
It will be interesting to see if not haveng my regular computer will make a difference in how or what I write.  
Relatively busy day.  Had an Apple appt. yesterday, learning about "iMovie" (so I can edit by "go Pro" videos and other videos, plus I left my laptop.  Going by today to pickup the backup. Also plan to finalize the China trip.  
Aliene is back on her regular exercise prograrm, which is good.  
Hopefully I can also get the VPN up and running today.
That's it for now.

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