Wednesday, August 31, 2016

2016 Summer August 31 Wednesday

75 degrees this morning, walk 36:50 minutes  

Strange walk this morning, I could feel myself dragging, but I guess that happens.  

What was strange about it was the “furry creatures” I encountered during my walk.  I am almost sure one was a possum (or related)  who walked right in front of me and the other was either a cat, or, more likely from the walk, a (shudder) skunk!  

I obviously have no desire to confront any animal, much less a skunk, and stay far away, making sure I don’t accidentally trap them into a tight place.  

I follow the “you leave me alone, I”ll leave you alone” attitude with any wild creature (or even insect for that matter).  Or any tame creatures for that matter.  

The newspapers came very early this morning.  I am never sure of the carrier’s schedule, although they are almost always here by 5:00 a.m.

Since I have changed my activity patterns between the time I get up and when I go to work (which is earlier than I used to go to work to provide me more flexibility during the day),  it almost no longer matters when the papers arrive,although 5 a.m. is the latest I’d want to get them.  

Slowly my plans for an iPad Pro are coming into focus.  That is, assuming there is an upgrade, and it is worth the money and will be useful to me.  I am planning on the announcement on Sept. 7 to include an upgraded iPad Pro, and I have been diligently saving my “cash back” on my credit card.   If the product doesn’t intrigue me, I”ll just say “wait till next year!”.  

Of course, probably the “apps” are more important than the product.  While not all apps work as advertised, there is a  lot of amazing apps, most of which I never actually get to check out.  

For some reason, the apps for the iPhone/iPad are a lot more varied that the ones for the computer.  I never have figured out why that is so.

Sitting on the patio, watching the world wake up.  While it is slow waking up in this area, I still note little things.  I actually recognize the sound of the newspapers carrier motor as the rounds are completed.

What is always surprising to me is how the train can seem so much more louder at night time.  Actually “louder”  is the correct word, it can seem so much more “presence” in the early morning hours.  Some mornings, it almost sounds like it is right next to me, and in an odd way of projection, sometimes, the train actually seems to be on the other side of me, which is a weird feeling.

I think the moisture in the air makes a huge difference, and in a foggy type atmospheres, the sound is a lot louder.  

Fortunately we almost never hear it in the house, and I don’t know if it would bother us even if we did  There is something almost comforting about a t rain going past, especially in the night time.  Of course, that is based on a few trains now and then, and usually we can’t hear the whistle.  

Field Day today. Since I temporarily have a larger area, I look forward to the increased variety.  

The Community Police course last night was good.  The city has a brand new Police Station and some of the advances they  have included in the building amazing.

That’s it for now, Wednesday, August 31, 2016 

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