Tuesday, August 09, 2016

2016 Summer August 9 Tuesday

78 degrees this morning, Walk 35:38 minutes

As part of Toastmasters last night, I presented the “Folk Tale of John Henry”.  It is part of the “Storytellers” Manual.  

I think the tale (although there is some indication that there really was a John Henry and there really was a contest between John Henry and a steam drill) really illustrates something that is forgotten in the overwhelming push for progress and advancements.  

When I reflected on the story, I realized that even now, technology leaves “losers” who lose their jobs, way of life etc.  Somehow, it seems, there should be some provision for making up for the losses that technology and progress leave in their wake.  

As normal, the problem is determining who lost because of progress and what to do to mitigate the problem. 

Difficult as it may be to define the problem or what should be done, I think it is important to keep trying to determine who is losing by progress and technology and ways of resolving the losses.  

I mentioned yesterday that my favorite (generally) sports  team is Oklahoma University.  What always puzzles me about “favorite” team is how such loyalties develop.  I can understand my positive feelings towards K-State (I grew up near it), I attended Fort Hays State and Wichita State, and I lived near Memphis (University of Memphis).

However, I have never attended OU on the OU campus (I did take some extension graduate hours while in the Air Force, but I didn’t actually take any courses on the campus) and I have probably been on the campus ten times, if that.  Yet, again generally, I root for OU football and basketball, with sometimes some wavering depending on whom they are playing.  

Kind of like rooting for the Chicago Cubs before I ever set foot in Chicago.  

On the other hand, we became real fans of the St. Louis Cardinals only after watching the Memphis Redbirds and seeing many of the current S. Louis Cardinals players when they were starting out.

Kind of like seeing your children (well, maybe children of friends) grow up and be successful. 

School is staring to cycle up again, meaning the what is generally considered the end of summer.  Actually, mourned here summer weather continues until at least October and generally severe winter doesn’t hit until around Christmas.

I do remember one winter, it snowed on Halloween, although it turned out to be a mild winter after that. 

Anyway, right now, I will enjoy the weather and enjoy the patio!

Starting a new “listening” book tomorrow.  Speaking of the costs of progress, it is so much easier to put the audible books on the newer devices, I probably won’t use the “repurposed” iPhone 3 and 3+ and the original iPad for book listening.  When compared with the ease of getting a book on the newer devises, it just takes too much time.

They still are good for a variety of uses, but, as I mentioned about “progress”, progress is leaving behind the older model iPhones and iPad.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, August 9, 2016. 

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