Thursday, August 25, 2016

2016 Summer August 25 Thursday

2016 Summer August 25 Thursday

78 degrees this morning, walk 36:21 minutes 

Rather strange that my walk this morning was almost 2 minutes more than yesterday.  I didn’t feel like I was walking any slower.

I am surprised by the some the history I learn from listening to the book on Tesla, especially about some of the early advances.   The inventors at the time easily compare with any inventors etc. a the current time, in all ways, including stealing each other’s ideas etc.  

However, their creative inventions are what surprised me.

I learned that the first basis for the television was actually in 1842 and many advances were made on in the 1890’s.  

I was also surprised to learn the X-Ray was basically perfected into an operational device in 1896 and was actually used (and probably overused as a crowd pleaser).  

Many of the advances were actually considered by the inventors of the time, they just didn’t have time to go over all of the inventive roads that opened up to them.  

In a way, the promotors were as important as the inventors, since the promotors are the ones who really popularized many of the inventions and realized their true potential.

Just opened a bottle of water and several drops feel on my computer keyboard.  I think one of the priorities should be a waterproof or at least a water resistant keyboard.  It is unbelievable that one hasn’t been perfected and sold by now, with all of other advances they bray about.  

It this is posted, it means it did not affect my keyboard, but I shouldn’t have to worry about literally a drop of water destroying my computer.  

Even since the coffee incident of about a year ago (I had to replace the entire insides of my computer) I have been very careful about water or liquid around my computer.  I don’t use glasses or water etc. even close to the computer, I forget about how they overfill the bottles of water and they splash out when you open them.  

That is one thing about a desktop, if you splash water on the keyboard,so what, but on a laptop kills the entire computer.

Bak to the book on Tesla, it seems that period (1880’s and 1890’s), a lot of major advances were made and many of the most important inventors were practicing.  

Many of their ideas (such as “instant” world-wide communication) are common today, although not as they envisioned them. 

Probably the  overwhelming need to utilize electricity was a major force and many of the other inventions (photograph, camera, wireless etc.)were offshoots in the drive to advance electricity, especially “wireless electricity” which actually still isn’t perfected, although it provided the basis for wireless communication (at least as I understand it.)

Wonderful weather to sit on the patio, although early morning is nice even when the weather  is hot since until the sun comes up it really isn’t that bad.  

I read an article recently about the joys (or whatever) of getting up at 4 a.m.. I actually get up a little easier, but I really agreed with the article that, if it is suitable for a person, it is wonderful.  If it isn’t suitable, forget it, it’s not worth it! 

Certainly there have been stages of my life when I wouldn’t have even thought about getting up when I do now, but nowI couldn’t imagine not doing so.

That’s it for now, Thursday, August 25, 2016.

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