Monday, August 29, 2016

2016 Summer August 29 Monday

2016 Summer August 29 Monday

73 degrees this morning, walk 35:50 minutes 

I am surprised again in listening to the book about Tesla about some of the advancements and projects/experiments they were performing in the 1890-early 1900’s era.  All kinds of electrical and wireless experiments, discussion about communication with Mars etc.  

It is really one of those books that you can listen to, but I am going to have to actually read it to pick up soon some of what it says, or maybe I can do an internet search and pick up on some of the experiments etc.  They literally did some “earth shaking’ experiments.   

I wonder why Mars is always the planet that is identified as the one we communicate with or the one that that has life like beings who will invade earth, or at least visit earth.  I think I vaguely recall the climate may be somewhat the same.

It seems that is a false assumption, since in that case we are only assuming that “life” can exist on a planet similar to ours, whereby it has been proven that life adapts to the environment.  Maybe there is “life” on the sun that adapts to the hot temperature, it would just be much different of a “life” than we know.  Ditto with all of the planets.  

While I can’t imagine anyone living on the Sun (especially) or some of the extremely hot or cold planets, I don’t really see why there  couldn’t be some type of “life” maybe just not anywhere close to what we know.  

Baseball season (that is the local AAA baseball games we attend) will be over this week.  We are having a last blowout of games this week and then probably a playoff game or two and then that is it until next Summer.   

One factor about AAA baseball, both good and bad, is that it is the level right below Major League Baseball.  So, a good player is likely to be called up, and you won’t see him again, but you also have to be glad for him that his dream of playing in the “Major League” is achieved.

It is especially bad for the playoffs, because (I don’t understand all of this), the Major League teams can expand their teams on or about September 1, so they call up all the good players and the “playoffs” are basically an entire new team!  Doesn’t make the playoffs very meaningful or even interesting or even the AAA level for that matter.   

It seems they ought to have some system where the good players wouldn’t be hurt, but the fans who have stuck with them all season also could have a chance to see them play in the playoffs. 

Anyway, like they say, if I don’t like it I don’t have to attend.   Maybe it is why attendance isn’t all that great.  They make their living off of selling tickets to businesses who don’t show up and then (at least the local AAA team) jacking up tickets to the point the ordinary fan (like us) either quits attending or substantially reduces their attendance.  

And then they wonder where all the “fans” are.  It is amazing they announce a “sellout” and half the seats are empty!

I recently noted that the water rates for the city we live in are extremely high (and they are).  However, I recently learned that apparently many water customers were overcharged and will receive a credit on a future water bill.  (A meter reader “estimated” the water usage rather than reading the meter leading to some high bills that overcharges.)

The rates are still extremely high.  It would help if they charged the heavy users for the extra capacity.  

Start of another week, with a three day weekend to look forward to this week.  

I still have a problem on some weekends thinking I need to work.  It is part of a long-term cultural experience in my previous career.  I have to adjust to realizing, on this job, “when I”m off, I’m off”!  

That’s it for now, Monday, August 29, 2016.

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