Saturday, August 13, 2016

2016 Summer August 13 Saturday

75 degrees this morning, Walk 35:36 miles

Well, 75 degrees is definitely cooler than 85 degrees (yesterday)!  That seems logical, but I am surprised at the difference.  

Listened to music this morning  on my walk rather than a book, since I haven’t gotten a book ready.  I enjoyed the music, but felt like I was wasting time by not listening to a book!  

I believe the battery on on of my iPod Shuffles is going out. After ten years I shouldn’t be surprised, or maybe I should be surprised after ten years since it is like the battery would never go out!

I’lll reset it and see.   I haven’t used it of awhile.  

Wasting time is a relative term. I never have figured out for sure what “wasting” time is, although I expect I know it when I do it!

Speaking of “balance” the other day, I think “wasting” time is a matter of balance.  No matter what, you can’t work or do self improvement all the time (or at least it isn’t efficient to do so!).  

First you have to decide what is “self improvement” and what are you trying to improve to!  It isn’t always obvious.  

Of course “balance” would indicate you have some “down” time, adequate sleep, social time etc  as well as play time.  

Probably the problem with an over emphasis on self-improvement or achieving  goal is that you may lose sight what life is all about.  Not that I know what life is all about anyway!

Probably a “balance” life is needed to really determine what is important to you in life so you can set goals in all phases of your life (or not, depending on how you feel about goals!)

Technology has certainly changed.  I can remember when access to the internet was through AOL (or whatever) and you waited forever for access and everything was so slow. 

However, you didn’t mind because that is all that was available.  Now that we are used to super fast and efficient internet connections and access and fast browsing etc., it is hard to believe what we used to consider “progress”.

I heard the question at Toastmasters the other day about what were the modern day “Wonders of the World”.  

I would say the smartphone probably created as much social changes as anything, with television and the car right up there with it.  Of course, the Internet, the interstate system etc. stand right up there there also.  

One of the major changes I have observed over the past few years is the change from telephone/postal letters to E-mail and now to texting.  

One of the problems with that  is that e-mail demands more rapid response than a letter or even a phone call, and the expectation with texting is that you will respond almost immediately, like a personal conversation  

Of course, you don’t have to do that, but I think it is expected that a very rapid response will be made to a text.  

Glad the weekend is here.  It is supposed to be somewhat cooler.  

Soon Labor Day will be here, it seems like Summer just started!  

That’s it for now, Saturday, August 13, 2016.

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