Monday, September 01, 2014

Summer 2i014 September 1 Monday (Home)

mmer 2004 September 1 Monday (Home)

This (my laptop) is going into the computer  hospital today so it may be hard to keep up twith this Blog.  It will be out  several days. My desktop is good, but not as convenient       

Just got back from  completing my teeth implant  in Memphis.   Also a chance to see friends etc. It was good.

As I discussed recently, “experiences” are more important to life satisfaction and happiness than “things” are, at least somewhat.  Certainly knowing that the future experiences in Memphis  may be limited made me appreciate the experiences much more and value each moment.  

Good to be home also.  While I could exercise  the morning when I am out of town, I rarely do on a consistent basis (other than swimming), so it is nice to get back into walking routine.  This morning, due to the wind, I probably won’t ride the bike.  

“Home” is a vague concept sometimes.  While I was in Memphis the past several days, I certainly felt I was “home” in the sense of the experiences etc., with the exception we didn’t have out house.  However, “home” is also here, since it has all of the familiar surroundings and the familiar routines.  If “home is where the heart is”…..

Thinking more about the articles on “simplifying” life, by having less stuff.  I like the general concept.  Like any good idea, it can be taken to extremes.  I think the “toothbrush test” to items (if you don’t use them once or twice per day, and it doesn’t add value to your life, don’t buy it or (if it is something you already have) throw it away!  I think the “per day” test is too extreme for many items, perhaps “once or twice per year.”

Labor Day. In spite of the fact that “every day is a Saturday or Holiday except Sunday since November, we still keep to our schedule of (usually) eating out on Saturday, Sunday and holidays.  I’m glad we do, it still makes those days special.

I will always remember Labor Day as the first (and so far last) major fall on my bike.  It actually wasn’t that much of a fall, but it did skin my knees and arms. That was about five years ago and, of course, happened when I was going slow.

I tried “grits” this morning and actually enjoyed them.  Always like to try something new occasionally!  I was actually surprised I liked them, I actually have tried them before and didn’t care that much for them.  Maybe the way they were made.

Major changes in my life as I start work tomorrow.  Another reason the Blog/Journal will probably change.  I think the changes will be temporary until I adjust to a new writing schedule.  

That’s it for now, Monday, Labor Day, September 1, 2014

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