Monday, September 08, 2014

Summer 2014 September 8 Monday (Day in the Field)

72 degrees this morning.  Walk 54.07 minutes.  The air this morning, even though it was 72 degrees, had that “coolness” in it, which indicates the coming Fall.  

 Overall good weekend.  I had to suppress the automatic feeling that there was something I should be doing for work!  Rain Saturday, nice day Sunday.  We have generally established a routine for restaurants etc., I still need to decide where i am going to get my hair cut.  So far, we are very pleased with our choice of Doctors.  I need to find a local Dentist, which will be a major trauma for me.  (Well, not quite that bad, but….)  

We still have a number of new “attachments” to make.  The only real disaster so far was my first choice to get a haircut. 

My MacBook Air is back.  Was supposed to take 3-5 days, actually took 7 days, than and unexplainable long wait to pick it up.  However, based on what they did, i think they finally found the problem (defective cables).  Good to have it back although the iPad worked well. However, no matter what people say, it doesn’t replace a laptop yet.

I am probably going to be issued a tablet at work (rather than a laptop), so see how that goes.  They currently are issuing laptops, so we will be part of the new program. 

One problem wight he laptop is a tendency to get stuck in the “paste” mode.  I need to take time to research that, I’m sure there is a good answer.  The answer is normally simple once I know it!

Going out in the field with an experienced person this morning.  My first actual experience at what I will be one of the major functions of my job.  I am looking forward to it.

The cable television is so advanced, it is a case of technology that it seems many people with the cable company don’t even understand.  I think if they weren’t so interested making money, and more interested in providing a good product, they would both make more money and provide a much better product.  They are more interested in attempting to fool and mislead their customers to maximize their profits than they are in providing a reliable product.  My opinion anyway.

Looking forward to learning what the next few years will be like on my job.  Fortunately it is one of those jobs where every day is different.  

Looking at all my Hot Wheels (Matchbox etc.) in the original packages, I decided I am going to take them out of the packages so I can display them.  I’m not sure when I am going to display them, I may just wait, but I think I will resume the process of taking pictures of them and identifying the year, type of vehicle etc.  

That’s it for now, Monday, September 8, 2014.

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