Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Summer 2014 September 9 Tuesday (Entry)

79 degrees this morning.  Walk 54:25 minutes.  No earthquakes for several days!  (Hope I didn’t jinx this by saying that!)

First day “in the field” with a seasoned person.  I think I will enjoy it. It has enough variety to keep it interesting. i will be in the office today and training “in the field” Wednesday and Thursday.  Once I am fully training, I will work out of my home office and it will be a combination of office days and field days.  In my  case, where I am working “in the field” will entail considerable travel time and probably some overnight stays.  It will be interesting.

I am getting into the routine of commuting to an office on the interstate.  (Which I will not have after I set up my field office.)  It is relatively fast and traffic is not a problem at the time I get there.  I actually get there about 30 minutes early and sit in the car and nap, read the paper and drink coffee and just relax.  I expect I will start to leave later soon, but I’m not sure if the traffic will be a problem if I leave a little later.

Morning is still a problem with “hyper-time” (speed of time passing approximately triples!-Not really, but it seems like it).  

I have a little problem with lunches.  If I take my lunch, I have too much time, if I go to lunch, I don’t have enough time.  I’ll get that work out, just not something I’m familiar.  I have nerve had a a job where I didn’t go home of lunch most of the time.  

The cable tv service here has major glitches in their “advanced” technology.  They are too advanced for their technicians so there service doesn’t live up to their promises.  The installers who came out just didn’t care, and the next person who came out to fix it had to take care of their mess.  Another example of technology being hyped way beyond their capacity to meet their promises. 

Moonlight this morning for my walk was almost like daylight, it was so bright.  Probably a full moon.  A wind this morning, which slows me down some.  I have become to really enjoy my walk, on the day I couldn’t go because of the rain, I kind of feel like I missed something.  I guess it is a time to reflect as well as listen to a book and get my exercise.  I occasionally meet one other early walker, who also uses a headlight light (a light worn on the head so I can see what is on the ground.   I also carry a “freebe” flashlight keychain type device and of course my walking stick and cell phone.  

One thing I will not miss, with my home office, I won’t have to worry about commuting to the office during bad weather!  That will be very nice.  I always hate the decision of whether I go to the office in bad weather.  Of course, when I was City Manager, I went to the office no matter what.  Here, I will be at the office, so I won’t need to worry about it!

I am slowing being assimilated into my work.  I got my password and e-mail address yesterday and will be issued a computer, printer and scanner today. There is a program I use as part of the job and the computer is essential to the job. 

When I get my employee number, I will need to make decisions on insurance etc.  That is always complicated, although this year it will be simple since the “open season” is October 1!  At least I may be able to test one for a month or so.

Looking forward to the “Apple event” today.  Will be interesting to see what they present.  My phone is due to be upgraded this year, so I have a special interest in the new phones, although I don’t know that I will upgrade.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, September 9, 2014.  

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