Saturday, June 27, 2015

Summer 2015 June 27 Saturday

71 degrees this morning.  41:40 minute walk +- (+- because I forget to stop the watch when I get back)

71 degrees actually has a cool feel to it this morning. 

I have settled into somewhat of a walking routine,  which takes about  the time I want to walk.  I am going to add a bicycle route into it, at least as long as the streets stay clean enough so I can safely bike.

During the walk, I noted the narrow streets again, and of course, sidewalks are made useless by the number of people who park right across the sidewalk.  With the number of children there are going to be in this neighborhood (we are close to an elementary school as well as  a middle school and high school), it seems the planners could have insisted on a better design.  Of course, the objective seems to be maximizing developer profit, not providing good neighborhoods. 

I still have  real problem with the apparent policy of of no city parks, but requiring very small “neighborhood parks” that are maintained by the HOA’s.  They aren’t even close to the 10% public space requirement of most cities.

I think it will develop into the balkanization of the city, with no real public areas such as many of the great city parks in the city adjacent to us.  

A year ago, we moved into the house we just moved out of.  We had an air mattress and some clothes and I think that was about it!  The moving trucks didn’t  come until July 3.  Overall it was a nice house, at least it was the best one we could find at even close to reasonable rent, which was still much higher than a housing payment is for a similar house, although we didn't have to worry about major repairs, storm damage etc. or earthquakes.

Earthquakes are becoming much more often and are getting stronger.  I don’t  understand how earthquakes are measured, but a 4.0 is much more than  a 2.5 and we are getting a lot of 3.5-5.0 earthquakes that used to be 2.5 rated.  

Since none of the buildings or streets etc. are built with earthquakes in mind, a large earthquake could do a lot of damage.  

A possible earthquake(s) is one of the major reasons we hesitated to buy a house.  We found there is really no such thing as “earthquake insurance”.  

Next week will be a “4 day work week”, since July 3 is observed for the Saturday July 4.  

Somehow, Independence Day seems like the Summer is half over, although of course that isn’t true, even when schools let out on Memorial Day and didn’t start until Labor Day.  

A short dream.  I almost didn’t record it since I didn’t remember much.

6 26 15 Dream

Dreamed I was in some king of general store, an older  type of store, with rough wood etc.  

There was speaking in the dream., although it was like we discussed several matters

I remember looking around and seeing pelts, including two fox pelts pinned to a wall.  

Don’t remember any more.

That’s it for now, Saturday, June 27, 2015.

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