Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Spring 2015 June 2 Tuesday

70 degrees this morning 45:11 minutes walking

June 2, this marks 11 months since we moved here and 9 months (to the day) on my job.  It hasn’t seemed that long and yet it has seemed like forever.  I’m not sorry, I really enjoy my job and we enjoy living here, it was just a significant change, which isn’t bad or good, it just is.  

I certainly enjoy the job.  If I had tried, I couldn’t have  gotten a better job that I would enjoy more.  

Moving continues.  I happened to read in the New York Times “In Defense of Clutter”, where the author says that possessions do have a place and she enjoys her books etc. and she isn’t going to be separated from them until she dies!  

She went into detail about why you should keep possessions (she said she has moved many times) and not get ride of them.

Probably  not a good article for me to read right now!  

In any event, we are in the process of final moving of what we can move until the furniture etc. is moved.  It is much more relaxing than an long distance move.

Just finished listening to “The Innovators” by Walker Isaacson (I still have to look it up each timeI).  It is wonderful book and really brings out some of the factors involved in our current culture and technology.  

I wonder why he stopped with the establishment of Google, and not consider the iPhone, etc. I think the iPhone (and similar phones, tablets etc.) have a significant impact on our culture, maybe more even than the original computer, as far as a cultural thing.

Daily, I see groups of people, a large percentage looking at their phones.  

Of course the cell phone really started it, but the “smart phone” really created a major cultural shift.

I can remember my amazement at the first Blackberry and how I could check my e-mail or news anytime, anyplace (and my dismay  when I dropped it into a puddle of water and it became just a pretty picture).  

Actually dropping the phone also convinced me of the limits of technology.  After I returned it, the phone company apparently sold it on e-bay.  Several months later, I got call from Alaska from someone who had bought the phone and he was getting my phone calls!  

Of course, the phone company didn’t want to believe me, but we finally convinced  them it was true.  I never did understand how that happened.

Anyway, I really realized the impact of “smart phones” when I saw homeless people with it, people of all ages, luddites strayed from their philosophy to get one, all incomes got one etc.  
Daily, I see the “smart phone” places spring up to serve the smart phone needs of all income levels. 

It is amazing.

I did finish the Innovators.  I have to apologize, of course Walter Isaacson did not write the book on the building of the Panama Canal, David McCullough did.  I made an error the other week when I said Walter Isaacson wrote it.  

Busy field day yesterday, office day today.  I like the change from day to day.  

That’s it for now, Tuesday, June 2, 2015

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