Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Spring 2015 June 17 Wednesday

72 degrees this morning

Didn’t walk this morning, basically because of the mud in the streets left by the developer and builders who ignore storm water regulations.  Filed another complaint with the city, but it doesn’t help today.  

While I may be over sensitive to getting mud on my shoes etc., this red mud probably won’t come out, plus I hate to get my shoes muddy.  They are just never the same after that.

Trip home overall went well, no major problems.  I think “as well as can be expected” is the right term when it comes to air travel.

As an example of fees, whomever had rented the car before us had left his receipt in the car.  A $140 rental fee for the car ended up, after fees, taxes etc,   to be  $346 (or on that general area) .
Cell phones are another area where that happens.  Why the cell phone user is responsible for paying internet fees for other people is beyond me.  If it is important, it should be paid by all taxpayers and not hidden as a fee fro cell phone users.  

Worked half the day (office day) getting back into my work projects.  Realizing that, as always, just because I”m  out doesn’t mean the work stops!

Of course, this is also when all the projects that were “wait until after we get back from vacation” are suddenly coming due, no more excuses!  

Did a little more moving last night, including moving some furniture around to better utilize the space, probably a continuous process that will never really end!  

We are in the phase of discovering good things about the house as well as the negative things that make us question if we made the right decision etc.  So far, I, at least, feel like we made a good decision on the house, although there are a number of things we would change if we could, or maybe a better way of saying it, we will change them when we can. 

Going to be another “office day” today, I was hoping I could get out in the field   today, but I will need to prepare some paperwork and tomorrow will be a full day.  There is a lot involved and I like to fully research all the details so I can answer questions about each account.  Even then, frequently more questions come up that I have to research some more.

I have decided I”m not going to weigh myself until Monday, (my usual day)  to give me a chance to recover from the perils of eating too much during traveling!  It is such a temptation to eat too much either by “celebrating” or simply because your usual routine is not there and so your eating habits change.

Also, when eating out a lot, it seems portion control is a  problem.  Either there isn’t enough or there is too much and you eat it so it won’t be “wasted”!  Logically, if you eat something you don’t want it is “wasted” anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.  

I always try to get back into somewhat of a routine when I get back from a trip, especially my  exercise routine.  We will be checking into the nearby YMCA and a gym etc. to see what we can work out also.  

We had a wonderful vacation, the CMA Fest and our stop in Memphis, which was too short!  

When we move our priorities are normally to get to “normal” as soon as possible and get the cars in the garage where they belong!  Actually, we do have one car in the garage, which is a good start.

I want to spend some time in the office before I make some decisions that will be hard to change (after books in bookshelf etc.) and also I have a very heavy desk that I may need to move.

As they say, good to go, but also good to be back!

That’s it for today, Wednesday, June 17, 2015.

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