Friday, June 05, 2015

Spring 2015 June 5 Friday

75 degrees this morning, walk 44:42 degrees

The next several days, this Journal/Blog may be erratic since we will be moving.  There will be a time when we don’t have internet access, can’t find power cords or computers etc., along with all the action of moving.  

Somehow, it doesn't seem like it is happening, that next week I will be sitting in the same chair after my walk writing my journal.

But I won’t.  It may be the same chair, but a different house.  I am looking forward to having a good back porch again (actually the back porch here wasn’t that bad, but I never used it.  I guess looking at the backs of five houses wasn’t all that attractive.

At our new house, we will have some trees and nature to look at again from out back yard.  Not near as good as the house in Lakeland, but not bad.  

Actually I keep two journals, one I post and one is more of a “calendar” of what happened that day.  I keep it in “notes” and e-mail it to some e-mail addresses for retrieval if I want.  

I used to keep a  strictly personal journal, but don’t anymore.  

While we are personally affected, I feel that we have been affected by age discrimination again.  Our loan was supposed to be “sold” by the originating bank to Suntrust Bank. 

Suddenly in my opinion, when they realized how old we are, they are trying to welch out of their deal with the originating bank. Sad.  I am getting all kinds of requests for additional information so they can justifying backing out.  

Kudos to the originating bank, I am doing everything possible to avoid giving any reason for Suntrust to welch on their deal, but I expect Suntrust will find a way.  

This weekend will be a “moving weekend”.  I am going to have a “office day” to get all my paperwork done and ready for a “Field Day” Monday, so if I don’t have internet access, I can still get a full day in the field.

We have “air cards” for our laptops, but it is slow and extremely unreliable.

We don’t actually have to be out of our house immediately, but we’d like to get everything done so we can ge the final cleanup completed etc. 

It will be good to get the move over, so we can start developing a new routine.  Of course, it will take time to settle everything and get everything in the right place (which may actually never happen), but at least we are moved.

The weather is getting hot enough the swimming pool is looking good.  

I went swimming the other day (briefly).  Katherine and her friend wanted to go swimming, so I watched them and went swimming for a brief period.  The water was very cold.

I thought about changing my work hours so I could swim at least several times a week (when it isn’t crowded), but since we are moving it would  not really be feasible.

That’s it for now, Friday, June 5, 2015.

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