Thursday, August 28, 2014

Summer 2014 August 28 Thursday (Teeth Implant Day)

77 degrees this morning 

Last phases of my “teeth implant” today.  Two new teeth will be born today. The process actually started September 5, 2013, so the actual process has been almost a year.  I expect that is about what it normally takes to allow time for healing etc.  Mine may have taken a little longer since I had to have a bond graft.  

Yesterday, I learned something new, that since I had a bridge on my teeth so long, the bone density decreased.  I actually had the bride for almost 40 years (it was replaced once).  I made the mistake of going to the “free” dental work after getting out of the Air Force (you had one year to get free dental work) and the dentist doing the work, in my option, took the easy way out and pulled the tooth instead of trying to save the tooth. My opinion.  

Anyway, the procedure is almost done.  I was thinking that the tooth implant process paralleled a major disruption in my life, starting with the Lakeland elections and hopefully ending next Tuesday.  

I think I am still thinking (for lack of a better word right nowI) about the events of the past year.  Of course, as soon as I heard the results fo the city election, I knew I was facing major changes.  I think it is an even any City Manager knows can happen, and likely even will happen to some degree.  You always hope it is handled in a more ethical and professional manner than Lakeland handled it, but I think that reflects on the poor quality and lack of professionalism of the people involved.

I always thought if that happened it would be like a dream, but it really wasn’t.  I was very aware of my status the next day, etc.

We will really miss the Memphis Redbirds.  Not only did they put on a good show in a great ballpark, buit we enjoyed watching the players develop from AAA to Major League players with the St. Louis Cardinals.  (Almost all of the current St. Louis Cardinals played for the Memphis Redbirds.)  Obviously it isn’t really the same, but it is something like seeing someone start work, struggle some, and then suddenly blossom into success.

We have seen so many players go from the Memphis Redbirds to the St. Louis Cardinals, we are now strong Redbirds fans, although we still like the Chicago Cubs.  (When St. Louis plays Chicago, we have a difficult time deciding whom to cheer for.  We end up hoping both of them play their best and don’t make any major mistakes. 

We can’t really bring ourselves to watch the AAA team where we live.   We probably will eventually, but it won’t be the same, not that anything is ever really the same anyway. 

Hopefully, my laptop computer will keep working until I can turn it in for repairs next Monday.  It has developed a strange habit of the screen blinking off.  I don’t lose the program so it could be worse.  It was just annoying (I could shake it and it would come back on), but how it has become a major problem (it goes of and has became very hard to get back on).  

Of course, it is one of those things that  won’t happen when I take it into the Apple Store and doesn’t leave any tracks of what happened.  The last time, it was off when I took it in and they were able to see something.  Anything they are going to replace the major compute ring board or something.  Which means I will probably lose everything on the computer and have to restore it, which I hate to do.  I can’t understand why  I can buy a new computer and they can transfer everything over without any problems, but if I get my computer repaired, it can come back completely blank.

Anyway, I’ll be glad when the implant work is done today. 

That’s it for now, Thursday, August 28, 2014

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