Saturday, August 23, 2014

Summer 2014 August 23 Saturday (Decisions and Priorities)

81 degrees this morning.  Walked 55:39 minutes. Yesterday morning rode bike about 40 minutes.  One earthquake (3.2) this morning about 20 miles away.

I had been wondering if my bike had a bad tire, since the peddling got so hard.  I figured out yesterday morning it was the wind!  A 17 mph head wind can made a huge difference in how fast I can go and how much effort it takes!

I am always surprised at how many people leave their garage doors open at night (by accident I assume).  I even noticed  mine one morning!  

I keep thinking how ISIS is like a Stephen King novel, where an evil force is taking over, and a “good” counterforce rises to combat it.  You can’t even call them lower than animals, since animals don’t act that way.  I think it is what happens when extremists take over, they lose all control.  

I am still trying to “weed” my books and otherwise “weed” items to fit into our house.  Many of the books (and other items) have an emotional meaning that makes it difficult to give  away.  I need to use the “Toothbrush Test” on each item!. (I modified it for  those items it doesn’t apply to, but basically it is “if you don’t use it at least once or twice per day and it doesn’t make your life better, either dispose of it or don’t buy it!”.  I do try to use the standard of “what value is this to me”  (not counting the value, “I may need it sometime”!  It helps.

I have been watching my “data exhaust”  (the records I leave through my activities each day, such as using credit cards, etc. and I am truly amazed at how much “data exhaust” I leave!   Considering e-mails, credit cards, toll roads etc. I leave an amazing record of what I do each day.

Allstate (our car insurer) offered us a discount if we would install something on our car that measured hard braking, hard acceleration or anytime we went over 80 mph.  The problem was it measured  and kept a record of everything from the time you turned the car on to when you turned the car off.  We declined, not so much as we were concerned about our driving as much we just don’t want to have a record like that floating around.  In the right circumstances, it could be accessed by almost anyone.

I am accessing my morning schedule to determine how I can change my priorities   or activities to fit into a smaller space.  Basically I have to be ready to go by 6:30 a.m., which means I need to cut about two hours out of my morning schedule.  

I have noticed I have a lot of “piddling” or time spent in running around doing nothing or items I could have arranged for the night before to make it easier to get around in the morning. Some things I do in the morning I can do later, some items I will need to just not do.  I think I can save at least one-half hour, just by planning my time better.  

I am starting out with the idea that I can time shift anything except my walk, my nap and breakfast and maybe at least a quick look at a newspaper!  And I’m not going to get up any earlier!  

Fortunately, it is temporary and I will get back about one hour of time later.  I’m still not sure of the exact details. 

That’s it for now, Saturday, August 23, 2014.

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