Friday, August 01, 2014

Summer 2014 August 1 Friday (ClothesI)

64 degrees this morning.   When I saw the temperature, I decided to dress warmer for my morning walk-big mistake, I was way too hot, although it wasn’t that bad, I just didn’t need to wear the additional shirt.  Walked my “new route” in 57.56 minutes, did my usual 40 sit ups and 4 sets of 15 lb barbells.  Should be starting to ride the bike this weekend or early next week.  

I actually have a wide selection of exercise clothes, including separate almost everything for my walk and my bike.  I have used my “bike” shirts for walking since I arrived here, since I think it makes me more visible.   I used to think I would wear my t-shirts for walking and bike riding, but the “smart” clothes (that “wick out” moisture and prevent the old clammy feeling that drives you crazy on a long walk or ride) have been so good, I have a wide selection of clothes that are much more comfortable to exercise in.

To some degree, I have “winter exercise” and “summer exercise” clothes, which makes sense.  It takes me about 10 more minutes to dress in the morning for exercise in the winter, especially for biking.  Dressing for fall and spring is tougher since you really don’t know how the temperature will “feel” regardless of the temperature.

For example, last Spring, in 64 degree weather, I still had to dress warm.  Now, 64 degrees sounds cool, but isn’t.  I overdressed this morning.  

I really didn’t realize how many exercise clothes I had until we moved.  Let’s just say I have enough exercise clothes to probably last me to a  ripe old age, even if I exercise every day and live for a long time.  Clothes last a long time, especially when I”m not all that concerned what they look like as long as they are clean and aren’t overly worn or bagging at the neck etc.  

I do change my walking shoes relatively often (usually about every six months or so) and my bike shoes last for a long time.  I usually get ashamed of how they look (even in the dark with no one seeing me) before they wear out.

As I mentioned yesterday, I have a brand of walking and casual shoes that I really like and re, well, cheap.  I prefer inexpensive or perhaps “good value”, which is really the case.  They actually are my favorite brand of shoes and feel the most comfortable. l

I really like the brand “32 degrees” for a long sleeve shirt I can wear enter as an undershirt (it “wicks” moisture away from my body) or as a shirt by itself.  They ware wonderful shirts.  Costco had them several months ago and I bought about 10 “32 degree” shirts and wish I had bought more.  (Somehow I had one for several years, and I had been looking for the brand because I really liked it.)

As far as lifting weights, I just wear whatever I walk in.  I have been lifting “bar bells” and hope to return to bench pressing also, although I will need to buy another bench with a place for the bar bell.  

I always think I am going to wear hats for my walk and cycling ride, but I normally end up wearing a bandanna since it is more comfortable with my bike helmet and I have started wearing a “head light” (strapped around my head) while I walk, and a bandanna makes it a lot more comfortable.

Moving continues.  We got the office organized yesterday, a major step.  We are reaching that point where it becomes painful to throw/give or donates some items because we know we will use it “someday” or it is too valuable to throw away, even though it isn’t worth anything?  (Does that mean it is “priceless”?  We probably have about 500 “working” pens and a large number of pencils, more than enough to last us forever, but who wants pens?  We hate to wast them by just throwing them away!

Weighty decisions of our lives!

That’s it for now, Friday, August 1, 2014.     

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