Monday, July 01, 2013

Summer 2013 July 1

July 1, a new month (and last half of 2013) begins! 
Rain this morning.  A soft, relatively cold (for summer) rain.  I walked this morning, but didn't ride the cycle.  
Watched video's of two of my favorite sports that I usually don't watch because of time restrictions, car racing and bicycle racing.  Somewhat of a difference in speed!
Looking forward to the Courter/Wherry Reunion this month.  It is good to see everyone and have the opportunity to visit without time being a major restraint.  It is close to where I grew up, so occasionally I will see or remember something from when I was young (we moved from the area when I completed the 6th Grade in Netawaka and the beginning of the 7th grade.  I hated to move and even now can remember how I felt against the move.
The last half of 2013 will be interesting for us.  Lakeland is voting on establishing a Lakeland Municipal School System (if it passes July 16, the election of the School Board members will be November 7) and the elections for the Lakeland Mayor and two Commissioners in September.  (The City Manager is appointed by the Board of Commissioners).
One of my favorite hobbies, following the stock market, has been especially interesting the last month and promises to continue to be interesting the rest of the year.
Independence Day holiday is this week.  I had forgotten how much I always kind of liked the day off during the week.  

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