Thursday, February 25, 2016

2016 Winter February 25 Thursday

39 degrees this morning, 36:27 minutes walk.

I am pleased I found a “walking route” I like almost immediately.  I thought about making it a little longer, but I plan on starting swimming and bicycling in the near future so I will leave it here for right now.  

I am considering returning to my bicycling early in the morning which seems to make more sense (no traffic etc.) although it also means my time is more limited.  Anyway, at least to start again it makes sense.  

Really like listening to the “Great Course” on the Civil War.  It is really interesting and makes my walk seem a little shorter.  I think doing it at 1.25 times regular speed also helps.  Maybe once I get used to 1.25 I may be able to speed it up to 1.5.  I wish they had incremental speeds (such as from 1.25 times to 1.30 times and gradually increase it).

One of my favorite TV hosts is Jim Cramer on “Mad Money” and I noticed he talks relatively fast, although his pronunciation is very distinct. (I think that is the right word).

Sometimes I have a hard time following him, but on the other hand I also pay attention because he is speaking fast and I may miss something he says.  Which may be good or bad, depending on what he says!  

I developed   sudden rash on my temples, which is rather scary.  At first I thought it was a reaction to some new cough medicine I was taking, but then I really think I am very allegoric to some shower soap I had gotten in a hotel room that I was using as shaving soap.

Many years ago, I had a  reaction to some medicine that caused a severe rash on my arms.  It took me several days before I associated the rash with the medicine.  

Shaving is more or less an art rather than a science.  I have always liked the idea of using an electric razor, but I think my skin (and whiskers) aren’t just in tune with an electric razor. Each time I have tired it has failed.

Actually it has been many years since I have tried an electric razor.  It was actually when I was in basic training in the Air Force and I quickly learned that was no time to try to begin shaving with an electric razor!

I never knew what happened to it, but somehow it disappeared.  My Mom had given it to me and I always felt bad about it, but I never tried an electric razor again.

Actually, I don’t mind shaving with a blade etc., it actually can be nice.  I thinkI resent the time it takes.  

I have tried several things to make it better.  Somehow I came up with washing my face with soap and leaving the soap on and then putting shaving cream on.  Seems to work for me anyway.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I used the “shower gel” instead of soap for the past two days.  It had a really pleasant feel and scent, but I am almost sure I am seriously allergic to it, so that will be that! 

Of course, I am highly allergic to this area’s vegetation or something anyway.  When I first came here years ago, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I had aged 10 years with the bags under my eyes and swollen eyes etc. (Some things about this place will make you feel 10 years older anyway!)

Anyway, so this is where I end up, at least for now!  Somehow that is the way things seem to happen.  

Of course a skin rash that close to my eyes is potentially serious, so if it doesn’t clear up, I will try to make an emergency appointment with my dermatologist.  Actually she is a Physicians Assistant, which works well.  For some reason almost every dermatologist I have seen has a Physicians Assistant, and they have always been excellent.

That’s it for now, Thursday, February 25, 2016.

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