Tuesday, February 16, 2016

2016 Winter February 16 Tuesday

52 degrees this morning, no walk (moving day)

In spite of being 52 degrees there still is a chill in the air that makes it seem colder.  

Moving Day today, with all of the last minute concerns etc.  Then will come the long period of unpacking etc

One thing about the unpacking part, while you feel a need to get back to feeling like you are living “normal” again, there is no deadline as such, just trying to determine how to organize everything.  

We are having movers move our items and set up the major furniture, appliances etc., which helps a lot.  However, there was an unbelievable amount of time spent on packing boxes etc. 

Hopefully the unpacking will be a little easier, although probably a lot of unpacking will occur because of the need to find something!  

I leave the house and neighborhood without any real nostalgia for either the house or neighborhood.  Not that I didn’t really like the house, it is great.  We didn’t live here long enough to really feel like we lived here.  

It is true that about the time we finished “moving on”  (in our cases when the final pictures were up), we decided to try to sell it, but I never really felt like I lived here permanently.  Even the walk seemed somewhat temporary, although I developed a nice route that I liked.  

While I thought about “this is the last time I”ll sleep in this house”, it didn’t have a good or bad feeling about it.

Taking vacation leave from work.  Even though my job is much different, I still feel a little uneasy about being “off”, kind of a feeling that  something may come up that I need to be there.  It doesn’t really apply to my current job, but I still get the feeling.

I think one thing I really like about the morning hours (from when I get up to when I start work) is the feeling of calmness and the lack of feeling that I “should be doing something”.

That seems rather strange since my morning time is so structured that I literally schedule every minute from the time I get cup to the the time I start work.

For example, as soon as I get up I make a few notes in my calendar (finish up the previous day, make notes about new day etc.), then I walk, do my exercise and weights,  then (depending on whether I  swim or not), I take a shower etc.  Than I write and post my journal for the day.  Than I take a nap.

Then it is up for the day and I eat breakfast, and if time read the paper.  If there is time, I take a very short (5-10 minute) nap before work and then I start work.  

Maybe the structure of it is what makes it  seem so relaxing, since I don’t get the feeling that I should be doing something else.  

One of the things I really like about the early morning hours is the chance to reflect and think.  Even though I listen to a book while I walk, it still is an opportunity to reflect and think and nap times are almost more like the opportunity to meditate as the opportunity to take a nap., although I definitely take a nap!  I have found that a nap (in the morning) of 20-30 minutes is best.  Later in the day, a nap to 10-20 minutes is usually best.  I don’t wake up feeling groggy.

I have always tried to make 15 minutes or so in the morning just for reading something I wouldn’t otherwise read, but somehow it never works out.  I’m not quite sure why, it could be that I feel that is something I can do later in the day.  

That’s it for now,  Tuesday, February 16, 2016.  

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