Monday, February 22, 2016

2016 Winter February 22 Monday

39 degrees this morning, Walk 36:35 minutes

Chilly weather has returned, probably some snow later this week, or at least rain and in the high  30’s.  

Walk this morning was about the same route as yesterday, perhaps a tiny bit longer as I took some byways.  Still haven’t met another person, vehicle or animal, although I hear dogs barking in the distance.

Overall a nice walk, includes enough slopes to be challenging and interesting.

Listening to the “Great Course” on the Civil War.  Again, I enjoy listening to an overview of the Civil War, which includes both sides and is generally not favorable or focused on either side or any specific person.

I’ll have to do this, get a general overview,  on more events, historical and otherwise. 

Listening to my original iPod, I am always amazed at how many songs “Memphis” is mentioned in.  Maybe it is the way the name  slides on the tongue, or maybe it just fits music.  

Probably the things I will remember about the Memphis (area) are the nights, the early mornings, and the general hospitality of the people in the area.  

Moving continues.  It is getting to the point where difficult decisions have to be made on where items go, or is it time to finally donate or  toss some items?  I made a huge inroad on my office in getting rid of boxes etc., but am suddenly trying to decide what to do with some stuff that may be important or not, but I need to get it either stored or thrown.  

Overall, I really like the house, with a few little negative things here and there, but it is still too early to really tell.  

One positive thing is the newspaper comes early. I’m not sure how early (It isn’t here when I walk, but is here by the time I finish my nap). 

Dream I had yesterday (Sunday) after my post-walk nap.  I had gotten out of the habit of writing down my dreams but I decided to note this one.   

Dream Sunday, February 20 2016

Strange dream I was in a building and kept looking for an office I couldn’t find.

At first I was in the building and siting in various offices although it seemed like I didn’t belong there and was just sitting and doing my work.  

Office workers were talking etc., and were acknowledging me as a visitor, but didn’t seem interested in what I was there or.  

I probably did that in about three offices and then I couldn’t find an office.

On one floor it was totally dark, on another floor I came onto a gym which was busy..

I went to the restroom and found it would in the process of being redone and I couldn’t find another restroom in the building.

Went onto one floor and found a workman with a bunch of polecats (the 105 gallon trash carts), and for some reason I was careful I did’t disturb him.  

A really strange dream, I’m already forgotten a lot of it, but it seemed to take place in a big, about a 6 story building with a huge parking lot, which had very few cars in it.

It seemed to be half (or more vacant) and in some type of restoration.

That’s it for now, Monday, February 22, 2016.

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