Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Summer 2015 August 4 Tuesday

79 degrees this morning, walk 39:58 minutes

Looked like rain coming in this morning prior to my walk, but it was far enough away that I was able to get my walk in (and it still isn’t raining yet, in fact it is clear).

Wore my new shoes this morning and I am, so far, very pleased with them.  I hadn’t realized how “squashed” my  previous walking shoes had become, although they are still a lot better than the ones I used to wear.  I can literally feel the “bounce” as I walk.  

I think I will make a small note on the number of miles I walk and the “bounce” in the shoes to see if i can detect at what point the “bounce is gone”.  Probably not, at least measuring it on a daily basis.

If there was a way I could measure it every week or every month and remember what it felt like the previous month (which is impossible if I wear them every day), I could probably quickly tell how long the “bounce” lasts.  

The old “boil a frog by gradually increasing the heat of the water” trick!

The shoe person said a pair of shoes should be good to 250 to 300 miles and the ones I bought should be good for an additional 200 miles, so that makes 450 to 500 miles, about 7 months with my current walking patterns, if I’m figuring right.  Roughly next April or May I may need a new pair of shoes, if his figures are right.  

I always think it is unusual how we think (not necessarily me personally, but overall).  We don’t hesitate to pay $25 for a usual meal that we don’t need, but hesitate to pay $10 for something that will make our life a lot better for months!  I am referring to walking socks.  I really hesitated about paying what I did for the shoes (a lot more than I have ever spent on walking/running shoes before) and hesitated even more about paying $10 for a pair of “advanced” socks that may protect my feet for months or even years!  

I don’t know if they “hi-tech” sock is going to feel better or not, but I am going to try it out.  I realize a lot of stuff isn’t worth the extra money, but I decided to check out the socks.  I didn’t wear them this morning, but I well in the near future, probably tomorrow morning.  I wasn’t sure how long a walk I would get in this morning if the storm came in.  

Speaking of, I just heard the first “thunder” so the storm is coming in, at least somewhere close.  It looked like a relatively local storm, although it did look like it was coming to use.

Now that I have a YMCA membership, I am going to have to decide how to fit it into my daily schedule.  The fact I can shower etc. at the YMCA makes it a lot easier to try to use the YMCA each day.  

What I really want to to do is go swimming at least several days per week and also increase my weight lifting and exercise routines.

It will also be nice to have a place to go to walk etc. in the event of bad weather.  
The cooling wind is picking up some as the  storm is coming in.  I can hear the thunder now, but don’t see the lightning.  The first drops of rain are starting to fall.

Field Day today for work, I have several appointments set up.  I should get my new “monthly tasks” this morning, which is always interesting.  

Rain is starting.

That’s it for now, Tuesday, August 4, 2015

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