Thursday, August 27, 2015

Summer 2015 August 27 Thursday

76 degrees this morning.  No walk, developed a severe cough

This “fall cold” I had got a lot worse yesterday as I started coughing  I had a “whopping cough” shot last week and I am concerned it may have given me the “whopping cough” or at least set something off.  I realize that is “impossible”, but….

Anyway, I was supposed to take a trainee on a “field day” today, but that will be impossible now, since every time I try to talk I start coughing.  The fact that (this morning) I don’t cough unless I am talking (generally) probably means it isn’t whopping cough, which is good, but I sure don’t want to give anyone what I have.

I am missing my morning walk, although of course it would be impossible to walk right now,

Looking up health symptoms on the internet is always interesting.  There are some sites you can trust to probably give you the latest valid information, and then the sites that want to sell you something more than provide information  and then the sites with the “anti” movement about why the authorities are wrong.  

At least I have access to all views, which is what free speech is all about!

I really hate the opportunity to take a trainee on a “field day”.  I always learn something in the process when I explain something.  I was really prepared also, with a variety of  activities to provide a variety of experience.

Years ago I learned about the concept of “continuous improvement” , where (my interpretation) I try to improve just a little every day, even it is minor and eventually it will lead to a substantial improvement.

Of course, the problem lies in what  area you improve in  every day, and how or what you improve every day.  If you are improving the wrong thing, “continuous improvement” won’t really help.  

I think it also includes looking at what you do now and if you need to change your patterns or paradigms you are using.  If I am making the “wrong” continuous improvement or basing my continuous improvement on a bad premise, it also won’t do any good.

Looking at areas, of course, you job is always something where “continuous improvement” is necessary.  In my case, it is not even “continuous improvement” it involves learning the details of the job, and a lot of it is just learned by experience in resolving the issues I work with every day.  

As I mentioned before, I may not have had an issue arise or even know of it and then I may have three in a day!  That is one way to learn.

I actually  started this “continuous improvement” discussion thinking of problems I have on the computer  programs I use or internet.  

Of course, I was thinking about what I could learn in WordPress, but I need to consider all the computer programs.  

Evernote is still a real problem.  I hear of people doing great things with it, but while I get my money’s worth from using it, I don’t feel I am using it at it’s full capacity and I have never actually talked directly with anyone who uses it to a great degree, but there is a lot of potential.  

I won’t review all of the potential areas right now, but I do need to look at where I am on many of the computer programs I use and where I want to be.  

The knowledge of where I am now in comparison with where I want to be is a learning experience in itself.

That’s it for now, Thursday, August 27, 2015.  Here’s hoping I’ll feel better shortly! 

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