Saturday, August 22, 2015

Summer 2015 August 22 Saturday

77 degrees this morning, 38:23 minute walk.

The cold weather makes me value even more the early mornings on the patio with a slight cooling wind.  

During the long winter months I tend to forget how nice it really is to sit outside in the early morning coolness before the hot day starts.  

It may be a little different this winter since I actually could be outside but under a patio roof with a fireplace burning!  Not near the same, but it would be outside.  

While I enjoy my walk, it probably is also one of the “have to’s” I do, I feel I simply have to keep walking.  Probably the amount of time it takes is what I dislike the most.  I also feel I need to do my situps and barbells each morning, a matter of “use it or lose it”.  

Somewhat the same about swimming, except I really d enjoy swimming, just like I enjoy walking.  I always thought I’d like to live in a place with an indoor swimming pool and this is the next best thing to it.  The pool is well maintained (the water is probably a little too cold for me!) and always feels so good.

The main problem with swimming, it is so boring.  I currently swim about 20 minutes and this is about right for a time to reflect without any other intrusions.  

I can get a waterproof case for my iPhone/ipods, but I really don’t know if I want to right now.  If I swim much longer, maybe so. 

I probably could find a waterproof case for one of my “re-purposed” iPhones (I love the word “re-purposed”) and use it strictly for a swimming phone, which would make sense.  I probably could buy a waterproof case cheap and use it just for that purpose, since I really have too many “re-purposed” iPhones, iPods and iPads etc. already, although I”m not sorry I kept them.  

I have found that I literally can’t stand to use a stationary bike or treadmill without something to read (or watch), but I can walk in the outside or bike without one.  

Currently I am using my re-purposed “original iPad” to listen to my books on my morning walk.  I just carry it in a really light  backpack.  For some reason, it has an extremely strong battery, even after (I believe I got it in August of 2010) five years of relatively heavy use.  It runs the app fine, which is all I need and a lot easier than downloading a book or listening on CD’s.  

However, I do like periods of silence.  One thing I like about my “post walk” nap is that now I don’t listen to any music or anything (that could change), but it is my “thinking time” although I normally go to sleep before I have too much time to think!  My other short naps I normally have music on when I nap, or occasionally the tv.  

Speaking of dreams I had a really strong dream yesterday morning.  
8 21 15 Dream

Dreamed I look my bicycle out for a ride.  I rode to a street I thought was an open street, but it was a dead end with a junk yard on all sides of the street.  

A young man was working there but couldn’t answer my questions.  

 While my bike was parked at the junk yard,  a motorcycle rode over  it and  destroyed.  I looked for even the frame but couldn’t find any part of the bike. 

 I spent the rest of the dream trying to explain to the people at the junk yard what had happened. 

I remember thinking now I would have to buy a new bicycle and was trying to decide what to get.  
Dream was so strong, I actually went out and checked on my bicycle after I woke up.

Seemed to be an element of searching trying to find someone to tell but I couldn’t explain it.  

Persons I recognized from the dream are Angela, Aliene and Kali and Katherine. 

Strange dream.  I have noticed many times how my dreams are influenced  by the environment, such as sounds etc.

That’s it for now, Saturday, August 22, 2015

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