Sunday, June 29, 2014

Summer 2014 June 29 Sunday (Waiting)

Summer 2014 June 29 Sunday 

77 degrees this morning.  

Our air conditioning is still out. The air condoning person thought he had it fixed, but the air conditioning continues not to work, at least effectively .  It was reasonable thanks to  to a storm yesterday and some good ceiling fans.  We are ready for the AC to be fixed.

Did the “move in” inspection, will finish it up today and turn it in tomorrow.  Basically, nothing major, although a few items (in addition to the AC) need fixing.

We are in the position of waiting for our household possessions, the cable installers etc., so we are basically taking it easy while we can.  We know once the moving truck arrives, will be unpacking and organizing etc. literally for months as we put  stuff in the right place or throw or donate.

Currently our furniture consists of an air mattress and some pillows, clothes, a fold-up table and two holdup chars.  And a coffee maker.

We are finding it rather strange to have nothing urgent or pressing we can take care of, so we are failing about relaxing and  reading.  

I really miss the internet, although i am doing fairly well.  I bring my computer with me and catch up anytime I have internet access.  Also, have some internet access through my iPhone, and iPad. The iPhone internet access is good, just hard to use (as far as writing longer letters or documents).

I should have internet service in the house tomorrow, or at least the equipment will be here. 

In a way, staying here without our furniture gives us the opportunity to think about where we want the furniture to be and how we want to live in the house.

Tomorrow will be one week since we moved.   Time has gone gone fast.  I don’t know at what point we will begin to feel like residents. Not until we get our furniture and get somewhat settled, I expect.  Right now, I feel like I’m on some kind of long term project.  

I am definitely ready to get back to exercising.  My favorite time of day, the early morning, will like substantially change.  I have plenty of areas to walk and some good biking areas, but my newspaper reading will change, if not alter completely.  One of my favorite papers isn’t delivered in this area yet and I think the other one (The Wall Street Journal) doesn’t realize where I live yet, even though they have officially changed my address.  Not that I can’t find plenty to read, but the newspapers made a good start to the day.

The air conditioning person is supposed to come this afternoon to fix the air conditioning.  Hopefully it won’t get too hot before that

That’s it for now, Sunday, June 29, 2014.  Direct from “First Watch”, where the internet is free and the food is excellent.

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