Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Spring 2014 June 11 Wednesday

63 degrees this morning, but is expected to warm up fast to 91 degrees!  
Ate at "On the Border" last night, and feeling effects of overeating today! We allow ourselves about one trip to On the Border per month, for obvious reasons.  I love the tamales.  
I actually started liking tamales years ago.  When i was in college, after my freshman year, I went to Denver to work at Samsonite Corporation (making suitcases). On the wonderful Denver cool nights, there were street vendors selling steamed tamales.  They were wonderful.  I returned the following summer, but the street vendors were no longer there.  I never found out why.
My experience in Denver changed my vision of life, to say the least.  The biggest city I had lived in prior to that was probably a 1,000 people (other than Hays, Kansas, where I went to college for my freshman year), so Denver was a new experience.  I stayed in the bus station one night and was asked by some others if this was my "usual place".  
I found an apartment, and oddly enough, it was right across the street from where my high school principal was staying (I believe he was working on another degree).  
Since I didn't have a car, I learned to ride the bus, and forever have learned about the disadvantage of public transportation in large cities (and the advantages).  (One night I missed the last bus and had to sleep in the park in Denver, the one across from the state  capital).  I recommend the bus station.  
I also learned about work.  I was on the assembly line making Samsonite "make=up" cases.  I don't recall exactly what they called them, but I still remember the exact motions I took in assembling them.  (i attached the frame to the bottom, the frame to the top and sent it on down the line.)  I enjoyed meeting and knowing many of the permanent workers and how they felt about their jobs. The workers there were very diligent and good workers, at least the ones I knew.  They all warned me not to fall in the trap of working there (or similar) and to be sure to return to college. My grades substantially increased the following year at college.  Actually, the factory itself was clean and they emphasized safety, but it was still a factory, I expect the assembly line duties I did are being performed by robots now. 
I did get out and see a lot in Denver.  Probably I was extremely naive and had someone watching over me.  I traveled all over Denver, met all kinds of people and, didn't save a dime for college.  The two weeks vacation (unpaid) the first   two weeks in July didn't help financially, but it gave me some time to look around.  
I returned to work at Samsonite the following summer, but it wasn't the same.  I had another job, molding handles, and it was very boring.  Sometimes, you really can't "go home again" and I wasn't able to repeat my first experience of the summer in Denver, the wonder had disappeared and the drudgery was all that was left. However I do always buy Samsonite luggage!  When I worked at Samsonite it was somewhere south of the State Capital, it moved to the airport several years after I worked there.  
Overall, I expect the experience changed my perspective on life and was a "life altering" event, although, realistically, any event is a "life alternating" event to some degree.  (I won't get into that today).
Interview tomorrow, going to be researching and psychologically preparing myself today.  Speaking of "life altering events, I guess a job interview can be one of the top ones, if your performance at the interview is actually part of the reason you get, or don't get, a new job.
That's it for now, Wednesday, June 11, 2014 

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