Monday, February 24, 2014

Winter 2014 February 24 Tuesday

32 degrees.  I am ready for some warm weather and winter to be over!
I noted that the Fitbit Force is not even going to be sold, even with a new model, which is disappointing to me. Hopefully Apple with come out with an iWatch.   Samsung is bringing out one that sounds interesting, but I have never had a reliable Samsung product.  I had a monitor go out in the early nineties right after the warranty expired, and bad luck with a Samsung tv, phone (actually  both the original and the replacement), so I decided not to buy any more Samsung products. In all fairness,  other people have had good luck with Samsung products, but my experience indicates I must be allergic to their products or something.  My Apple projects just keep plugging along.  Of three "shuffle" iPods I got about 7 years ago, two of them are still plugging along (with the original batteries), ditto with the IPod and all of the iPhones and Apple Computers I have.  
It is so good to be home, even if it is cold!  Sun is shining this morning which is nice.
My life will take on another stage this week as I convert to Medicare health insurance coverage (hopefully!).  I am waiting on the forms from Medicare.  
Still seem to be stuck in a narrow band of about 6 lbs on my weight.  At least I'm not gaining beyond that, which is nice.   I think peanut butter is probably one problem, so I am going to start weighing the peanut butter I eat to make sure I don't eat too much peanut butter.  i have also been  more relaxed about occasionally eating bread etc. (although on  a very infrequent basis), so I probably need to tighten  up on that.  I like using "my fitness pal" to monitor what I eat, but it is sometimes time consuming to keep up with it.  They need to have a better search capacity.
(Later):  Didn't do my weight any good, had my favorite dish as Corky's BBQ, tamales and chili!  It definitely fills me up.  (It is listed as a "starter" appetizer, but it is an "ender" for me also!
I believe this will be my 300th post.  (This is on my blog at

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