Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Winder 2014 February 10 Monday

54 degrees this morning (Quartzsite Arizona).
The project I have been working on for several months is finished, I don't know how successful it was.
Quartzsite is a very unique, wonderful town.  You can look up the details, but my personal experience is that the residents (whether seasonal or year round) really care about the town and there are a large variety of unique and wonderful people, events and places!  (As well as a wonderful climate)
It is good to finally feel like I am getting close to 100%.  Obviously somewhere Aliene and I picked up a bug and not a very nice bug.
I have been working on the two projects for so long I will probably feel like I have all kinds of free time tomorrow!
We are enjoying our trip, but definitely ready to get home.  However, we both realize that we are in a state of change in our lives, no matter what happens, which can be somewhat unsettling, as well as exciting.  I think some of it is potential for change and an array of alternatives that are all major changes and many of the alternatives are not our decision.

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