Saturday, July 09, 2005

Routine 7 9 05

The new house is progessing. We went out yesterday and made final "option" pricing selections. Next week we will probably make (or at least start) selections of colors etc. Aliene will enjoy that! Soon we will commit to the lot etc. and hopefully the house will start.

I got tired of feeling like I was being taken to the cleaners (so to speak) by local home lenders and I submitted an application to E-Loan. We received approval of a loan about .8% of a interest rate less, which is a considerable amount on a house loan! We'll see what happens, but at least the E-loan rate is affordable. We will use local lenders if at all possible.

Apartment life is actually still ok. The Lakeland Champion Hills apartments are professionally run and relatively quiet, for apartments. Our air conditioning went out Thursday and it was quickly fixed.

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