Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer 2013 June 28 (Summer Storms)

In spite of forecasts of rain, I was able to get all of my exercise in this morning.  I frequently walk even in the rain, but I avoid bicycling in the rain or even when the streets are wet.

However, about 6:30 a.m., the wind came up (very strong for Lakeland) and now the rain is falling hard.  Some lightning and thunder, but primarily wind and rain.

When I use the iPhone weather app or watch the radar on TV, I am amazed at the advances in weather forecasting and information.  Of course, the weather is still here, but at least we can prepare somewhat for it.  With the number of trees in Lakeland, wind is always a problem.

June 30/July 1 will mark the midpoint of 2013.  It has been an extremely fast year!  "Early Voting" on the referendum on the creation/establishment of a Lakeland Municipal School System is tomorrow, June 29.  The actual election day is July 16.

Heavy rain (6:53 a.m.) but it looks like it is going through relatively fast.  Hopefully, no wind or water damage.  One of my lawn chairs blew over, so it was a very strong wind.

Listening to "Steve Jobs" on my morning walk.  A very interesting and well written book that includes a lot of observations that impact our culture and views of business development, especially creativity, marketing and personnel development and supervision.

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