Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer 2013 June 23

Although I can't feel the days getting shorter, I am sure they are.  Actually, the days seem to be static for several days before the sun starts its decline earlier.

One of my original iPod "shuffles" (the gum package kind, the very first design) just had it's battery go out for good.  Since I got it almost 7 years ago, that is not bad for a battery.  Of course, it cost (last I checked) $52 to replace the battery, which is more than the new shuffle cost.  I think I will buy a battery ($6.00 or so) and try to replace it myself.  If I mess it up I haven't lost much!  Maybe a project for my daughter and granddaughters.

I actually have three of the original shuffles, I use them daily on a rotation basis when I exercise.  I like them a lot better than the newer iPod Shuffles, a case of design improvement not really being  a design improvement.    The new iPod shuffles are a lot more difficult to use than the original shuffles.  They hold a lot more, but so what!

Overall, I have been impressed with Apple batteries.  I have an "original iPod" (80 GB) which is at least six years old, and an iPhone 3 which has to be at least 5 years old, both of which I use on a regular basis.  (The iPhone 3 is no longer connected, but I use it as an iPod Touch.

Went to a Redbirds game last night.  I enjoy  sitting out in the wonderful weather and enjoying the game.

Today is somewhat of a "work' day since I have a presentation to a homeowner's association.

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